podPress stores the IP address of a downloader only if you use the stat method Full (or Full+). But if you have more than a couple of downloads per day then it is not recommended to use Full (or Full+) unless your hosting provider allows you to have big db and your blog is on a fast server. The counting with Full (or Full+) is not very efficient.
The results of Full (or Full+) are in the db table wp_podpress_stats.
With this MySQL statement
SELECT * FROM wp_podpress_stats GROUP BY media, remote_ip
you could retrieve all unique combinations of media file and IP.
SELECT media, remote_ip, COUNT(media) as downloads FROM <code>wp_podpress_stats</code> GROUP BY media, remote_ip
you will get an array which contains the contains 3 columns:
– media: the media file name
– remote_ip: the IP address of the downloader
– downloads: the number of unique downloads of this IP of the media file.
This array will contain multiple rows per media file and you would need to sum the downloads per media file with a further action (or a different MySQL query statement).
Maybe I or maybe Dan will add something like this to stats page of podPress some day. But I have currently not much time work on podPress and add new things.