POD and Errors
Over the past month or so I notice my POD been showing the same pics over and over again. I just got a chance to look into today and I found these errors in the log. I ran a recreate photos in the DB but still showing these errors. I have a fairly large amount of photos so I am weary of doing anything to mess them up.
Albums appear to be showing photos fine. So the pictures are there.
url: /sob/photo-of-the-day/?wppa-occur=1&wppa-photo=33153
Err: on:22.07.2023 11:32:00: (8541): Photo does not exists ( wppa_smx_photo() ), type = s, single_photo = 33153 Stack: wppa-functions.php:498 wppa_smx_photo() <- wppa-filter.php:681 wppa_albums() <- shortcodes.php:355 wppa_shortcodes() <- do_shortcode_tag()
url: /sob/photo-of-the-day/?occur=1&photo=2933
Err: on:22.07.2023 07:29:38: (32736): Photo does not exists ( wppa_smx_photo() ), type = s, single_photo = 2933 Stack: wppa-functions.php:498 wppa_smx_photo() <- wppa-filter.php:681 wppa_albums() <- shortcodes.php:355 wppa_shortcodes() <- do_shortcode_tag()
url: /sob/photo-of-the-day/?wppa-occur=1&wppa-photo=5211
Err: on:21.07.2023 23:30:39: (9798): Photo does not exists ( wppa_smx_photo() ), type = s, single_photo = 5211 Stack: wppa-functions.php:498 wppa_smx_photo() <- wppa-filter.php:681 wppa_albums() <- shortcodes.php:355 wppa_shortcodes() <- do_shortcode_tag()
url: /sob/photo-of-the-day/?wppa-occur=1&wppa-photo=33143
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