These are simply orders that were never completed. There is no user information shown because no user was ever created for these orders. When using PayPal Express, the process works like this:
1. User checks out.
2. PMPro creates an order in “token” status. A “token” is used by PayPal to track the checkout session.
3. The user goes to PayPal to pay. (If the user drops here, you will see an order in your list with [deleted] user (no user) and status = “token”.)
4. The user returns from PayPal to your site to confirm payment. The order is changed to “review” status. Still no user. (If the user drops here, you will see an order in your list with [deleted] user and status = “review”.)
5. The user clicks the “confirm payment” button. Now PMPro will create a user and change the order to “success” status. (At this point, you will see the new user’s username and the status = “success”.)
Hope this clears things up.
In summary: If you want to count “real” orders, you want to ignore the ones in token and review status.
If you have a lot of orders in “token” status, that means that many of your users are getting to PayPal and THEN deciding to stop checking out. Maybe the price showing up there is different from what is shown on your website or something else scares them off.
If you have a lot of orders in “review” status, that means that many of your users are getting back to your site form PayPal to confirm payment and aren’t clicking on that button. This could be because the button is not very prominent, either because of the styling of your site or because your checkout page is really long/etc. Try updating the template/content of that page to mention scrolling down to confirm payment.
Hope this helps to clear things up. FYI, I will probably copy and post this as a blog post on our site. It comes up every once in a while for folks.