• Hi there
    I have quick question about the sort code im using. Im using stream video player plug in and when i add videos to my post here is the sortcode tht plugin applies to my post:
    [stream flv=https://example.com/video/1.flv img=https://example.com/video/1.JPG embed=false share=false width=850 height=478 dock=true controlbar=over bandwidth=high autostart=false/]

    Everything works fine and perfect however, My problem is the source of the media files are visible to everyone if they look at the source of the page. Is there any plug in tht i can encrypt specific parts of the posts? or is there any plug in just like advanced iframe tht gives unique security key for the specific part of the post. so when ppl look at the source they cant see the parth of the video files.

    Thanx for ur help and time Regards.

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