• I have read quite a deal about blogware reasent days. …but reading isn’t allways knowing. My future weblog will probably have this characteristics:
    …I write daily so it will be used.

    # much txt. few or no images
    # many long (~1 full page) articles of (hopingly) long term interest
    # search and index is vital
    # reader comments
    # some news and short term debate

    Please help me understand this.
    …here comparing primarily WordPress, b2evolution, Textpattern and SPIP (links below). All free.

    1. A rather serious review stated that Textpattern make it easier to cathegorise text compared to WordPress. Why is that (correct?) ?

    2. Is there any problem with bugs, upkeeping and /or installing any of thiese applications?

    3. How many mySQL-db’s is nesessary to get full blogware power?

    4. Which is the “strong side” (or weakneses) in this software

    5. Is there any other tool that should be regarded according to my needs (above) ?

    6. Is the comments function in thiese applications good enough, or is it better to install some free php-forum?

    7. Where is the magical limit where the choice should fall on generic site tools as Drupal?

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  • 1. No idea, as I haven’t read the review. But if you could point it out someone may be able to rebut it.

    2. All software has bugs. All demand some amount of upkeep and installation (or upgrading), but problems or efforts which may be mixed in with this hit on a number of factors, many focused on what experience and knowledge the user might have. If you’re asking is WordPress easy to install and maintain, the answer is: it can be if you’re happy with a default setup and the use of pre-existing plugins and/or themes. If you want to customize the way WordPress works, or looks, then a working knowledge of PHP and MySQL, or X/HTML and CSS, are necessary.

    3. In the case of all those listed above, one.

    4. I try not to criticize software I haven’t used, so I’ll let others tackle this Q.

    5. Lots!


    That list is still not a complete one (and it’s a bit out of date). But you’re examining a good representation of the blogging tools out there, based on what you appear to be looking for.

    6. Commenting on all current, popular blogging platforms is fairly robust these days. What exactly are you looking for?

    7. I don’t think there is one. You can find small, simple one-person sites running Drupal, and large, multiple author operations handled through WordPress. It’s more the issue of what one wants to do with it.

    Thread Starter helium


    6. The newbee biggest Q is often which Q’s to ask ;o)
    The points in first post is likely as clear as it gets right now. A guess is that the software should fullfill that, and related features so that it pleases a while, until better knowledge…

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