• Hi,
    I am using wordpress 2.5.1 with a plugin “WordPress.com Stats”.
    After I activate the plugin and enter my own API key, it returns with the following message

    The owner of that API Key (luvingmkh) is not on the access list for this blog (3356238). To be added to the access list, you must contact support.

    I have got no idea on how to be added to the access list. I have tried with another API key by creating another blog by myself, yet I get the same result.
    It is hoped that someone could give me a solution on this.


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  • I have the same problem and don’t know how fix it.

    Hey folks… I had a similar problem because I’m running 2 different websites (with 2 different domains) based on WordPress… and I installed this same plugin on both sites. But after some tooling around, I got it resolved.

    This explanation might be a bit complex, but hang with me. In the end, it’s actually pretty awesome. If you want to skip the explanation, just skip down to “Solution.”

    For some reason, simply inputting an API key isn’t enough — you also need to be logged into wordpress.com every time you view your stats. (Yes, in addition to being logged into your own blog’s wp-admin.)

    The problem is that, in order to have multiple API keys, you need to have multiple wordpress.com accounts. And when you log in to wordpress.com with one account, it overwrites any cookies that had you logged into any other wordpress.com account. In other words, if you login to wordpress.com with “Account A” you can see the stats for “Site A” but once you login with “Account B” you won’t be able to see the “Site A” stats anymore. And you’ll get that pesky error message you complained about.

    OK, so here’s what you need to do. Logout of wordpress.com (you may need to open a new tab/window since the “logout” link doesn’t always appear in the pages that are embedded in your own dashboard).

    Now, go to the Blog Stats page for one of your blogs.

    After you login to wordpress.com there (with the account linked to that particular site), scroll down to the bottom and you should see a place to add users. Add the e-mail address(es) linked to your other wordpress.com account(s).

    Logout of wordpress.com and repeat the process for your other blog(s).

    Once you’re done linking all the sites to each other… you can login to ANY one site, and see the stats for ALL of them. There will be a pull-down menu near the top-right of the Blog Stats page which allows you to switch around between your different sites. Cool, huh?

    Disclaimer: I’m running both of my sites on my own hosting account. If you’re running blogs hosted by WordPress on their own servers, I’m not sure if there’s other factors which may render this solution useless.

    pnaw10 you’re a GENIUS!

    It was driving me insane – I didn’t figure out the bit about the users having to be added in the wordpress.com profile – that’s not really made clear. I had added them to the regular blog users with administrator priviledges.

    Since I manage two blogs on one hosted domain, I’ve added both users to both accounts – so now “life’s a breeze”.

    Thanks for sharing your genius.

    i have 2 blogs on my domain themousepotato.com
    my main blog is blog.themousepotato.com

    i have added symbros.themousepotato.com months back and I had this problem with the “wordpress.com stats” plugin when I placed the API key I used on my main blog

    The owner of that API Key (naleoning) is not on the access list for this blog (3697645). To be added to the access list, you must contact support.

    so i created another account for the symbros blog and I got these as well

    The owner of that API Key (symbros) is not on the access list for this blog (3697645). To be added to the access list, you must contact support.

    all i wanted was to connect this account to symbros blog.

    i have 2 accounts one is naleoning and the other one (symbros)

    everything works fine on my main blog. but I can’t seem to make it work on my symbros blog.

    I tried adding the symbros account to the naleoning account at https://blog.themousepotato.com/wp-admin/index.php?page=stats and it worked fine. now my symbros account opens up naleoning’s dashboard as well

    going here https://symbros.themousepotato.com/wp-admin/index.php?page=stats produces an error

    again… all i wanted was to connect symbros account to symbros blog (https://symbros.themousepotato.com/)

    thanks a bunch..hope you could help since wordpress.com stats is a very useful plugin….


    Awesome. Thanks this really helped me set up my 3 sites.

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