• I’ve been fighting with this for several days. I upload a plugin, it’s there on the server, but it’s no where to be found on the blog. I’ve tried deleting plugins and re-uploading with same results. Geez, I only wanted a few. The plugins I wish to use are compatible to 2.6 and a couple up to to 2.5.1. I realize that some plugins may not be compatible with different versions of WP, but I figured I’d find that out when I went to activate them. Shouldn’t they at least ‘be there’?

    Previously on a blog that is No More (on the same server) I was able to upload and activate a couple just fine, but then when I added another one…same as above.
    Is it the server maybe? Or maybe I need glasses:) I’m new to all this but isn’t a server/host supposed to have a trash can?
    Any help would be so appreciated. Just about to give up.

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  • Perhaps try watching this video tutorial by whooami. I find it makes how to upload plugins very clear.

    Most of the time it’s due to the folder of the plugins being in a different place than where it should be.

    Thread Starter fastandsimple


    Thanks for the video, but that is not the problem. The plugins are there right with the other plugins that DO show in the blog admin…..in the plugin folder. They are right there on the server staring me in the face, but do not go into the blog. Makes me want to scream at them to ‘get over there’!
    Any other help would be appreciated as well.
    Thanks again:)

    never mind this post — your site is in your profile, and yeah, youve uploaded all of those properly.

    this matches what you expect, right?


    @fastandsimple: My bad there then, I should have checked your site first ?? Now I’m a little confused as to why the plugins aren’t available for activation?

    This is going to sound like a silly suggestion, but from personal experience: I had a panicky moment a while back when I first switched to 2.6 (or was it 2.5?), as I couldn’t find a plugin I had just uploaded to activate. Then it turned out it was right at the bottom of the plugins page, as WordPress now splits plugins first by whether they’re activated or not.

    Thread Starter fastandsimple


    Oh, my gosh! I came back here to apologize for my non-intentional arrogance, and to say a profound thanks, but here I find even more thoughtful help!
    You’re both wrong and right, but both sooo helpful. Let me explain:
    It’s not That blog, but I sure am glad that now I know what I do For that blog as well.
    Story: When I first ‘started’ with that blog I had never FTP’d or anything like it. The way I put it to my husband after I uploaded the first time was that I had to get the candy out of the wrapper…tee-hee. That was the whole WordPress package so you can imagine what I saw on the server when I went to the site:) I figured out that the directions I had received weren’t very thorough.
    I totally forgot about that experience and stupidly assumed that when I was told to just upload ‘it’, it was good to go.
    When you offered that video for help I sort of poo-pooed it because I thought it was just going to show me how to upload the darn things, and I thought….geez, I already did that!
    I got offline and started poking around in the plugins and touche’, I found them in the candy wrappers:) So, I rushed back here and watched the video (I’m embarrassed..:).
    As of now, they are all uploaded, but for the life of me I can’t figure out why WordPress is telling me there is a new version of a couple of them because I carefully downloaded the newest. Oh, well though. Certainly after all this it’s no big deal. Shoot, I can handle it:)
    Thank you, thank you! I’ll never forget the thoughtfulness.
    Take care!

    @fastandsimple: Glad to read it’s all been resolved! After re-reading my initial post, I have to admit I wasn’t very clear about what the video actually demonstrates, lesson learnt here!

    I believe WordPress checks the plugin version against the Extend plugins database, so it might be worth checking to see something newer is available. I know there have been quite a few updates recently because of 2.6.

    Thread Starter fastandsimple


    Yeah, Mosey….After many stupid mistakes I finally learned to really look around instead of using a help desk when I didn’t see a button to click. Ha, it’s been about a year now that I’ve been ‘smart’:)

    Then it turned out it was right at the bottom of the plugins page

    Thanks again for everything especially since I thought I’d have to wait for a week for an answer that wouldn’t even be the answer.

    It seems that I am running into the same issue with my plug ins.

    They have been uploaded and are on the server. I uploaded 7 and only 2 show. In the note where it was said they were found in the candy wrapper,
    to what are we referring?

    I have gone over and over this issue and do not understand what I have missed. It has stopped my progress as I was not able to locate all in one seo.

    Waiting for more details.

    watch the tutorials.

    In the note where it was said they were found in the candy wrapper,to what are we referring?

    Hello, Barbara.

    I think it might be a very good way to refer to a folder that has not been properly unzipped, or that is actually a folder within a folder, or nested. Still “in the wrapper”, so to speak. Perhaps that is what has happened to you, First make sure that you did in fact upload all of your plugins to the plugins folder. if you see any folders with a .zip extension, that means it was not done correctly. Second, make sure that they are not ‘nested folders”. The tutorial that mosey recommends above is very precise, and may help to make the process a little more clear. Watch part one for a better understanding on how to correctly prepare your plugin for uploading.

    Best wishes.

    darn it whoo.. I types too slow.. ??

    That’s the only link I remember… ??

    Thread Starter fastandsimple


    bgenay, I can’t tell if you resolved your problem.
    In many cases, like the fact that not all of your plugins are appearing on your blog, but are on your server it is simply a matter of burying further into the unzipped folder.
    Unzip your downloaded folder and then open the unzipped folder. If you see another folder inside that looks just like the outside folder, and in my case had the same name, then the inside folder is the one you use.
    Logically, you could just move that one out onto your desktop but if it IS named the same your computer will tell you that that folder already exists.
    Simply close everything back up, rename the outside (unzipped) folder, then go back in and drag out the internal folder onto your desktop….delete the folder you renamed. You are now good to go and the candy wrapper is off….you are at the candy ready to upload. BTW, while being frustrated it’s easy to forget things; be sure to delete the previous folders from your server first.
    Hope this helped if you hadn’t solved your problem yet;)

    darn it whoo.. I types too slow.. ??

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