• Plugin Author ed4becky


    One of the problems with genealogy on the web is the lack of cited evidence. To at least not contribute to that, I have added an Evidence panel at the end of the persona page.

    GEDCOM citations are captured from events, facts, individuals, and families, connected to sources, sorted for uniqueness, then listed in a single list in the Evidence panel.

    1.2 also has enhancements that lets rootsPersona work with more themes, improvements to the option screen and improvements to the upgrade process.



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  • Plugin Author ed4becky


    You definitely need the file name

    I would suggest a different name for the file too, to avoid confusion with the stock ones. (Though I am not suggesting that is in any way why your having issues)

    I’ll TRY to run a test tonight and come up with a recommendation, but no promises <grin>

    I am also adding an option on the tools menus with links to the various utilities (Upload, Index, etc…)



    Ed, It works if I put my alternative xsl in the rootsPersona xsl folder with different names and use an absolute path in the shortcode such as

    [rootsPersona personId='i1' xsl='/home/gmcbber0/public_html/chertop/wp-content/plugins/rootspersona/xsl/transformPerson2Pagex.xsl' /]

    This is fine as i can keep my alternate .xsl in a folder on my desktop and whenever you update the plugin I just reload the alternate files as well

    Thanks for all your good work. Regards, Chris



    Ed, Further to the above note just to confirm the xsl attribute works with the other shortcodes :=)

    [rootsPersona  personId='i1' /]
    [rootsPersona personId='i1' xsl='/home/gmcbber0/public_html/chertop/wp-content/plugins/rootspersona/xsl/transformPerson2Pagex.xsl' /]
    [rootsPersonaFamilyC  personId='i1' /]
    [rootsPersonaFamilyC  personId='i1' xsl='/home/gmcbber0/public_html/chertop/wp-content/plugins/rootspersona/xsl/transformPerson2Pagex.xsl' /]

    results in Example of alternative panels

    Plugin Author ed4becky


    Yeah, I knew that part. Unsure of the value

    All those shortcodes call the exact same function, just with different names. Then I use the names to decide what panels to hide/show.

    I know why personUtility.php is failing when you move the directory – I am using a relative path where I really shouldn’t be. I am addressing the problem now.

    Plugin Author ed4becky


    OK Chris, upgrade to 1.4.2

    I created a directory: wp-content/myxsl
    Then I copied over transformPerson2Page.xsl
    I updated the imports in transformPerson2Page.xsl:

    <xsl:import href="../plugins/rootspersona/xsl/transformFamilyGroup.xsl" />
    <xsl:import href="../plugins/rootspersona/xsl/transformAncestors.xsl" />
    <xsl:import href="../plugins/rootspersona/xsl/transformPictures.xsl" />
    <xsl:import href="../plugins/rootspersona/xsl/transformFacts.xsl" />

    Then changed my shortcode:
    [rootsPersona personId='i141' xsl='wp-content/myxsl/transformPerson2Page.xsl'/]

    The page renders the same as the other pages, as it should.

    I had to change some relative paths in the code to fixed paths and convert some path separators, which is why you couldn’t get it to work.



    Ed, actually the point of my exercise was to change the other transform –.xsl files to get different presentation forms.

    don’t waste any more time on this as we now have a workable solution

    however if you have some idle time :=) it would be nice if the shortcode rootspersonaindex could be similarly redirected

    you asked for comments on the user guide/faq on your website do you want comments here on in a new topic or as comment on your website?

    Plugin Author ed4becky


    I was just trying to show how to do it – you can do any of them that way now, start from scratch, or do whatever. The key is that the xsl referenced in the shortcode has to be in the custom directory (whereever you put that) . On your way!

    Go ahead and post comments about the documentation on my site (don’t bother pointing out the out of date changes, I’ll get to that). what’s missing, what isn’t clear, what needs more detail…

    I’ll put the Index enhancement in the next release.

    Oh, and I also asked for a review of rootsPersona on YOUR site <wink>



    Will do comments and review sometime next week. Thanks

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