• Plugin Author ed4becky


    One of the problems with genealogy on the web is the lack of cited evidence. To at least not contribute to that, I have added an Evidence panel at the end of the persona page.

    GEDCOM citations are captured from events, facts, individuals, and families, connected to sources, sorted for uniqueness, then listed in a single list in the Evidence panel.

    1.2 also has enhancements that lets rootsPersona work with more themes, improvements to the option screen and improvements to the upgrade process.



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  • chrisberks


    Ed, The radio button for “hide evidence” will not take a “yes” this is due to the fact that (at least) in the copy of the latest version of rootsPersona the register-setting for rootsHideEvidence is missing from rootsPersona.php

    Regards, Chris

    Plugin Author ed4becky


    Thanks Chris – I’ll fix that tonight. I am also going to grey out the System of Record radio since it really doesn’t support anything but No right now. I also want to add checking write permissions during install; seems to be a common issue when first installing the plugin – probably need a popup or something.

    Any other assignments? ;D The only other request I remember on the boards is linkage with mapping data, and I’m not quite ready to tackle that yet.

    Also, do you know about the documentation at https://ed4becky.net/plugins/rootsPersona? I wrote it this weekend, but need to update it for 1.4.0, and include info on the options page (though I THINK its self explanatory) Any help identifying whats not clear would be appreciated.

    I don’t get a lot of HOW DO I questions (except how do I make it work first time ;>) which I hope is testament to ease of use.



    Ed, actually there is another assignment :=) I have been playing around modifying the family group xsl to get a simple presentation such as Sample Page I have not finished the formatting yet but want just a simple set of links to parents, siblings and children on each persona page. I am creating a website which will be mostly family stories and photos rather than a data abundant traditional genealogical site. Obviously to do what I have experimented with I have “destroyed” the original .xls.

    So I am wondering what would be the best approach to allowing a user to have 1 or 2 of their own designed panels which would not get wiped out with an update release of your plugin.

    The different panels that I would like are the above referenced simple links and also a chart presentation such as comes out of GEDMILL (an no longer supported C program) I have embedded an example in the page linked above.

    Also, are the new additional links Edit Person Exclude Person Delete Person Make Person Private hideable?

    I will look at your new documentation shortly.

    Regards, Chris



    Ed, are there separate shortcodes for the spouse family and childfamily panels?

    Plugin Author ed4becky


    That reminds me, I need to pull more event data from the GEDCOM…

    OK, second question first

    [rootsPersonFamiyC/] and [rootsPersonaFamilyS/]

    Now for the first question –

    If I am hearing you right, you want rootsPersona to handle the shortcode logic, but that logic would apply a custom xsl (and custom css, I assume) to retrieve the data from the XML and format the display? Is this what you are looking for?

    I think that would be pretty easy, though you and I would probably be the only users.

    The current xsl has a lot of logic embedded not just to build the display, but also to establish the relationships, linking the family files and the person files. The person providing the custom xsl would have to recreate that in their own xsl.

    Finally, the new links are NOT hideable, but I can fix that easy enough. Currently they only display if you have edit privileges on the page.

    Plugin Author ed4becky


    I looked at your GEDMILL.

    I’ve struggled a lot with descendency charts – there doesn’t really seem to be such a thing formally, though we have all seen them.

    the challenge is that the width, the number of boxes in the lower generations, is not predictable.

    Ancestor charts? You have two parents, 4 grandparents, etc…. Thats it.

    But children? Lordy some people were prolific.

    If you google dependency charts, you find most are numbered lists, displayed vertically, probably for just the reasons I indicated. The others you see are drawn images, calculated positions, etc… I’m not a graphics programmer on the BEST of days – in this case the algorithms required are, well, complex.

    Not closed to the idea, but its a real challenge. Open to ideas/suggestions/integrating with open source solutions.

    Plugin Author ed4becky


    Chris, just looked at your site. Thanks for the mention.

    So, does rootsPersona get a review ;D



    Ed, you took the words out of my mouth!! I was thinking that I need to have more people in my tree and THEN decide what presentation works the best!! I am now going to experiment with using your shortcodes and put them in collapsible sections in a page/post to see how that looks. I prefer not to modify a plugin. Regards, Chris

    Plugin Author ed4becky


    OK, version 1.4.1:

    fixes the hideEvidence option problem
    adds a check to insure that data directory is writable
    adds an option to hide the links at the bottom of the persona page

    AND (for Chris) an xsl attribute to the rootsPersona shortcode. If present, it uses the referenced XSL instead of the transformPerson2Page.xsl file. Must be a full path to the xsl. If you wish to use a custom look with it, define a custom page/post template for use with those pages.

    Chris,I haven’t tested this, but no reason it shouldn’t work.



    Thanks Ed, a great way to approach it!! I presume you mean something like

    [rootsPersona personId=’i2′ xsl=’https://www.xxx.org/myxsl/name.xsl’%5D

    Plugin Author ed4becky


    Yes, but I assume it has to be a file path, not a URL, but I’m not sure. The original xsl was referenced by path, not url, but I haven’t had a chance to test it for sure.

    Try it, let me know.



    Ed, rootsPersonaFamilyS personId=’i2′ gives the same result as rootsPersonaFamilyC personId=’i2′ :=(

    By the way if an xsl attribute is used for rootsPersona shortcode will the full url also be used for the imports

    <xsl:import href="./transformFamilyGroup.xsl" />
    <xsl:import href="./transformAncestors.xsl" />
    <xsl:import href="./transformPictures.xsl" />
    <xsl:import href="./transformFacts.xsl" />

    Regards, Chris

    Plugin Author ed4becky


    Sorry about that, the one thing I rushed this weekend.

    If you update personUtility.php:

    } else if($callback == ‘rootspersonafamilyc’) {
    } else if($callback == ‘rootspersonafamilys’) {

    I don’t want to rush out the next fix patch level, but I updated the 1.4.1 version again with the fix, hoping you’re the only one who upgraded so far.

    As to your import question, I honestly don’t know. I rushed the new attribute so you could play with it, but did not test it. I won’t have time to really play with that probably until this weekend.

    I SUSPECT that any imports will have to be relative to where your custom xsl lives. I wouldn’t recommended putting it in the plugins directory, but somewhere under wp-content is probably OK.

    So lets say the custom xsl isin wp-content/myxsl. Then you could try

    <xsl:import href=”../plugins/rootspersona/xsl/transformFamilyGroup.xsl” />



    Ed, Thanks!!



    Ed, I have tried various combinations with no luck yet — always fouls up in personUtilty.php

    my alternate xsl is in wp-content/myxsl/

    so what would you recommend trying as the xsl parameter??

    [rootsPersona personId='i2' xsl='../myxsl/'/]

    or do I need to add the file name as well

    [rootsPersona personId='i2' xsl='../myxsl/transformPerson2Page.xsl'/]

    I have never been very good at relative addresses :=(

    Regards, Chris

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