• Resolved nothidden


    I installed the plugins but they are not showing up, not sure what I did wrong.
    Any help would be appreciated
    Thank you

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  • @ajahan

    you replied to a thread that shows [resolved] in its name and is four months old. OBVIOUSLY, that means its resolved.

    For those of you wondering what the resolution is… well I can’t tell you what the resolution was for the person who originally posted, But I can tell you what the solution worked for me.

    I uploaded my plugin to the directory;

    just like I was told right? but… another member here mentioned that there could be a duplicate folder called plugins

    I found the 3 folder with plugins, but here’s the one that worked for me;

    if you know at least a little about ftp
    /public_html is still like the root domain

    I messed up and uploaded my plugin into

    instead of


    That’s where were wordpress was uploaded on my domain.

    Having the same problem and it’s really frustrating not knowing what the problem is!

    The only plugins that work are Akismet and hello, dolly! i installed a bunch of plugins (got 2.6.3 wp and got the newest plugins)

    i installed the plugins in /public_html/newincinema/wp-content/plugins

    my site is https://www.newincinema.com (weee, another backlink)

    the other plugins don’t show in dashboard of plugin page… nothing! i even installed a plugin that shows everyplugin setting button.. even that one doesn’t work! any input for my problem? thanks in advance for taking the time and answering my lowbie question!

    hmmm, the ‘digg stumble reddit and everything else’ plugin works in each post… but i can’t see his plugin option page.. like every other plugin i installed… and i saved 20 more in my pc… ??

    whooami while I’m sure your expertise is appreciated by many a newbie on this board, I don’t think that the sarcasm is. Support Forums are supposed to be that SUPPORT, not to CRITICIZE. I’m getting tired of reading through all of these posts and see more experienced members give others a hard time, either by posting on the wrong topic or posting too much, or not being thorough enough. It shows lack of class and a lack of NETIQUETTE.If you want to be truly helpful to people just post the information requested.

    I’m getting tired of reading through all of these posts and see more experienced members give others a hard time, either by posting on the wrong topic or posting too much, or not being thorough enough.

    Fascinating. You think you can do better? Go for it. Dont like the answers, do it yourself. Have at it.

    Closed: This forum is not for ranting, do that on your own blog.

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