Hi @superky
I hope you are doing well today.
Apart from plugins from /plugins/ folder please check are there any plugins in /mu-plugins/. I doubt there could be any there, but it is good to check this anyway, just in case.
Based on what you have said, it seems like some plugin with permission settings, like user role.
Also, please check your role, is it setup as administrator. By default only that role will have access to see plugins.
I would still suggest to make this test once more:
Please deactivate all plugins(as the admin who can see them) and check if the problem is gone (communication with the admin who cannot see them). If so, then enable all plugins one by one and find which one is having a conflict. If there is no positive result, switch to the default WordPress theme like 2019, and see if it works.
Before this test, we recommend full site backup or running this test on the staging site.
Kind Regards,