• Hi forum,
    I have a question on Installed plugins and changing my theme.

    When I change themes, will my new theme leave all the plugins alone? and or will WordPress unplug my themes?

    I presume that in the new theme I will have to add plugins again.


    If I revert back to the orignial theme, will those plugins still load for that theme?

    Anyone experience problems while switching to and from two themes with these certain plugins?
    Current Plugins:
    Google XML Sitemaps
    NextGEN Gallery
    NextGEN Public Uploader
    RSS Importer
    Hello Dolly

    ty for sharing experiences…

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  • jamesduffell


    Hi @randomfrequency

    When you change a WordPress theme active plugins will remain active, they may display slightly differently however depending on the styling of the new theme so there maybe some tweaking required.

    To be safe always backup your current files so you can revert back, generally speaking with WordPress if the new theme isn’t what you’re after once it’s applied you can easily switch right back to your previous theme with no damage.


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