I’m using WPMU 3.0.3, BP 1.2.7 & s2Member in multi-blog mode with open registration & blog creation.
Ok… I disabled Akismet, and then moved it to the wp-content/mu-plugins directory and now it’s not appearing in my plugin list.
Seven questions:
1. In my case, I had already configured Akismet with my “Akismet API Key”, but if I had installed it directly into /mu-plugins and then not have seen it on the plugins page, how would I have entered the API Key?
2. Now is everybody using *my* Akismet installation based on my API Key?? Previously I had “Network Activated” Akismet. then I added a new test account (with blog) as a sub-domain. When I logged in as the account owner and went to the Plugins page of the Admin, Akismet was asking me to enter an API Key (which is actually something I don’t want to make each new account owner go through; transparency is important).
3. Let’s say in general I’m using Plugin X which has a couple of configuration settings. If the plugin is in mu-plugins and I need to upgrade the plugin and tweak its configuration, what is the best procedure for going about that?
For example:
a. move/rename plugin in /mu-plugins
b. install latest version in /plugins
c. activate
d. configure settings
e. deactivate
f. move to /mu-plugins
4. What happens when I have the same plugin installed in *both* /plugins and /mu-plugins? Which takes precedence? What if one version is newer than the other?
5. If a plugin in mu-plugins/ doesn’t show up even in the master site’s plugins list, how do I know it is actually working (for example, Akismet shows a list of working servers on their site under Settings).
6. When upgrading WordPress, one step is to deactivate all plugins. What about mu-plugins… how are they deactivated.
7. I found this link, https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/4163/how-is-network-activate-different-from-activate-by-implementation
Where the accepted answer is this:
“Network activation will activate a plug-in for every site in a network whereas regular activation will only activate a plug-in for the site you’re currently on. As far as implementation goes, there is one other important difference:
If your plug-in is built to do something when it’s activated (via register_activation_hook()), this will fire automatically when you activate a plug-in normally, but it will not fire for a network-activated plug-in until you visit the admin screen for each blog.
So if major database updates are tied in to register_activation_hook() they won’t occur until you log in to the other sites.”
What about mu-plugins? How do they relate to the firing of register_activation_hook()?