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  • Hi @webtoffee,

    The cookie modal doesn’t need to load on REST calls so the best way would be to just bail on a rest call similarly to how you bail with !is_admin().

    WP doesn’t have a convenient function to determine whether it’s a REST call when loading code fairly early, so it might be easiest to do add a function similar this answer on StackOverflow, then since you probably don’t need any code loading on REST calls, just add it to your plugin’s entry point. For example,

    function run_cookie_law_info() {
    	if (is_rest()) return;
    	$plugin = new Cookie_Law_Info();

    Kevin (from MetaSlider)

    Plugin Author WebToffee


    Hi @mbeerli,

    We have analyzed this by installing both plugins in a dev site and have come up with a solution. Please use the below code snippet to your active theme’s functions.php. This would prevent the bar from appearing on metaslider edit pages.

    function wt_disable_cookie_bar($cookiebar , $slug )
    	if( defined( 'REST_REQUEST' ) && REST_REQUEST )
    		$cookiebar = '';
    	return $cookiebar;

    Hope this helps.

    Hi @webtoffee

    Is it possible you can add this as a permanent fix to the plugin so users won’t have to add extra code to their site to fix the conflict?

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