• brainsolid


    Hi everyone!

    I have a difficult question) On my site i have video section on home page. I just add youtube code like https://www.youtube.com/v/kDfR620wcsU in custom fields inside post and this video show on home page.

    I have .php file with code, that show this video. Code:

    // If there's an imported video associated with this post
    	if(isset($video[0]) && strcmp($video[0],'') != 0) :
    		$output = "
    		<object class='left' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' data='$video[0]' width='560' height='300'>
    			<param name='movie' value='$video[0]' />
    			<param name='wmode' value='transparent' />

    Where $video[0] — youtube link from custom field.

    The question is: how can i modify code in .php file if would like use youtube-with-style player?

    I look at source of page with your player and found this code:

    <script type="text/javascript">
    		var flashvars = {};
    		flashvars.playOnStart = "false";
    		flashvars.startVolume = "70";
    		flashvars.autoHideOther = "false";
    		flashvars.autoHideVideoControls = "false";
    		flashvars.onStartShowControls = "true";
    		flashvars.fullVideoScale = "true";
    		flashvars.showPlayButton = "true";
    		flashvars.share = "false";
    		flashvars.MediaLink2 = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDfR620wcsU";
    		flashvars.image = "https://binaries.ru/new/wp-content/plugins/youtube-with-style/lib/img.php?v=kDfR620wcsU";
    		var params = {};
    		params.bgcolor = "#000000";
    		params.allowfullscreen = "true";
    		params.wmode = "opaque";
    		var attributes = {};
    		attributes.id = "myplayer";
    		swfobject.embedSWF("https://binaries.ru/new/wp-content/plugins/youtube-with-style/lib/player.swf", "myAlternativeContent", "560", "340", "9.0.0", false, flashvars, params, attributes);

    There are some way to use object code instead of script?


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