I am sorry, I didn’t mean to insult you nor community. I really could not get it to work and no confirmation was found that the plugin would work with WP 3.2.1. And found out that questions on support site was not answered.
UPDATE. I did get it to work today after trial an error and am really sorry for my too fast conclusions. The plugin does WORK with WordPress 3.2.1.
I learn as I go and unfortunately it was not clearly enough stated where exactly place the tracking code and how to stop tracking my own visits to my own profile (it still do).
If anybody might question I placed the tracking code on page profile-loop.php after `<?php do_action( ‘bp_after_profile_field_content’ ) ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endwhile; ?>`
I am sorry, I did come back to update my comment as soon as I got the plugin to work. I feel really sorry. I do honor and admire your work and work of other free (!) contributors here and want to thank you all. Thank you.