• Hi, let me first thank you for this fantastic plug, it really rocks !


    As we are behind a firewall, it’s simply quite impossible to load the admin panel because of the new bravecode feed display, as the plugin tries and tries to access your server. This is the error message:

    Warning: fsockopen() [function.fsockopen]: unable to connect to https://www.bravenewcode.com:80 (Connection timed out) in /***/wp-includes/class-snoopy.php on line 1142

    I do not want to argue here about the pros and cons of such an option in a plugin admin panel. After all, a plugin creator has the right to offer such an option or not. And the wordpress core has similar issues, by the way.


    Why don’t you keep it optional as it makes plugin just unusable in a secured environment ? Marketing is good, marketing may be necessary, but if too much of it makes you lose a bunch of followers, what the benefit of it ?

    In this case, one may by example chose to get your latest news or not by toggling an option box. Make it checked as a default when upgrading/installing the plugin and you have the same as now plus very happy users…

    My two cents ??

    This being said, keep up the good work, this plugin is really a first class one !


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