• There is a lot of demand for a wpg3 Plugin, but I couldn’t find a project which is developing it yet. Are there some?

    I would love to put some energy into plugin development if I find at least 2 more people working seriously with me.

    The WPG3 Plugin should be backward compatible enabling all the WPG2 users to update their sites without need to change the old tags in WordPress pages and posts.

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  • Hello, thanks for your help,
    I uncommented the line 237, but I always have the same error message, I have changed the guest access to true(1) and can not save the wp-admin WPG3 plugin settings without the fatal error too…

    Perhaps it could help, but since I enabled guest access to 1, I now have this code in a small window wich indicate that is a json document. I save it and open it with Notepad++, this is the return of the REST API test url (https://localhost/wptheme/galeries/index.php/rest/item/1) :

    [Code moderated as per the Forum Rules. Please use the pastebin]

    You can see the code here : https://wordpress.pastebin.com/mkTW8kYE

    Thread Starter digitaldonkey


    After un-commenting line 238 you should se an “error” starting with:
    Couldn’t connect by Rest @ followed by an array with the error message.

    What you put into the pastbin is the expected json-object.
    Maybe your Gallery is empty? Because there are no elements in the “members” array.

    A Response for my root album will look like this (without any spaces/formating)

    Check if you can access YOUR G3 like this if guest access is enabled.
    This would mean: g3 Rest is working.

    Sometimes in this Version there are FATAL ERRORS on saving settings. try reloading the page and safe again. I hope I fixed it now in the development version. But you better wait for the next release, if you don’t like fixing PHP.

    Check if you can access YOUR G3 like this if guest access is enabled.
    This would mean: g3 Rest is working.

    I try it and it works fine, I have the array. My galery was empty I created one album with images. However I still have the fatal error when saving settings WPG3 plugin.
    I think I am going to wait for a development fix, thanks for this plugin, for your contribution and for your support ??
    Best regards

    I’m having the exact same issue as dd46. REST is working via the URL above but I get a fatal error when saving the settings for the WPG3 plugin.

    WP version is 3.05
    G3 version: 3.0.1
    WPG3 version: 0.85

    The error is:

    <br />
    Couldn't connect by Rest @ getObject<br />
    WP_Error Object<br />
    (<br />
        [errors] => Array<br />
            (<br />
                [http_request_failed] => Array<br />
                    (<br />
                        [0] => A valid URL was not provided.<br />
    <p>        )</p>
    <p>    [error_data] => Array<br />
            (<br />
    <p>)<br />

    Fatal error: Cannot use object of type WP_Error as array in C:\wamp\www\modmyrv\wp-content\plugins\wpg3\wpg3_class_Wpg3_Xhttp.php on line 236

    I also get this notice on the setting page:

    A valid Gallery3 Url is required @ g3Url
    You entered: “https://localhost/modmyrv/gallery3/index.php&#8221;

    The URL is correct and works when put into a browser. The gallery displays fine and I can add/edit/remove albums/images etc.

    I also have set the value /rest/item/1 for the XHTTP setting and am using the “guest” REST API key.




    Any updates on the error described above? I really would like to get this working as I am freshening my website which includes upgrading to G3 from G2. Thanks.

    Thread Starter digitaldonkey


    Please check the Devel-Version.



    Hi digitaldonkey,

    I installed WPG3 and I can’t get the plugin to run properly : REST is working since I get the right thing doing :


    The bug is that I get the three thumbnails for the three albums that are at the root of Gallery but every time I click on a title or on a thumbnails, I’m redirected towards the WordPress’ root.

    Below is a copy of the link provided by those two entities :
    https://www.mysite.com/wp/?itemid=2 instead of whatever it would be to reach Gallery’s content.
    (WordPress isn’t at the root but in a ‘wp’ folder)

    Do you have any suggestion? Tanks in advance

    Hello Folks,
    Is there any interest in continuing to work on this plugin? I have a client who uses the old wpg2 plugin and I’d like to update his WP/Gallery to more recent versions.

    I can help with alpha testing.

    Thread Starter digitaldonkey


    Hello Webdoc,
    I’m glad to hear that you keep asking about wpg3. Maybe you can kick on the work again. The latest Version of wpg2 (0.86.2) is hosted on git. It has a lot more features than the wp-hosted one (e.g. a template system which enables you to provide different galley Templates while inserting the image).

    The reason why I didn’t deploy yet is that I didn’t had time to figure out a better caching mechanism for the Gallery-Page yet. The most issues around in the forum are based on the fact, that if you login to the backend, the whole gallery installation is recached (by REST) in order to recreate permalinks. This can take a lot of time or even timeouts, so testers experienced problems while accessing backend, especially with large gallery installations.

    I was hoping for improvements to REST-Api by the gallery3 during their atlanta conference. It would be great to het all permalinks in on request from g3, but it didn’t happen. So there is need for a separate g3 module delivering this or a smart solution for the wpg3 plugin to update caches.

    If you or anyone else can spend some time

    • checkout the git version
    • teach me about smart caching
    • checkout the themeing and put some css/jquery love int othe themes

    If you have questions let me know.

    Thanks for your reply, DD.

    I’m still not sure what to do with this client’s website…

    Does this install in WP like other plugins? Move the digitaldonkey-wpg3-d912079 folder into the plugins folder? I haven’t used Git before…

    Thread Starter digitaldonkey


    jup. just rename the folder to wpg3 and have a try ??

    I’ve just downloaded the GIT version and I’m now getting this error:
    Fatal error: Call to undefined function flush_rewrite_rules() in /home/crickie/crickie.com/wp-content/plugins/wpg3/wpg3_class_WPG3_Rewrite.php on line 93

    Thread Starter digitaldonkey


    Which WP-Version?
    Do you have rewrites enabled in WP?
    Is your .htaccess writable?

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