• This is the only LDAP/AD authentication plugin that I could get to work in my environment, due to the apparently slightly quirky setup of our campus AD servers. The difference appeared to be the ability to override the Account Filter value.

    There’s a couple things you could add that would make this plugin PERFECT:

    • Network Admin Setup– Every time I add a new site I have to enter all the setups for base DN, etc. There needs to be a Network Admin-level setup that controls this.
    • Auto-create account on/off switch– I would like to disable the automatic creation of WP accounts when a user in the LDAP but not registered in WP logs in.


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  • Network Admin Setup- Every time I add a new site I have to enter all the setups for base DN, etc. There needs to be a Network Admin-level setup that controls this.

    Absolutely agree. Which is why I have been building WordPress Network support into version 1.7. I have it mostly working if you would like to try it out. Send a message to [email protected] and I’ll send it to you.

    Auto-create account on/off switch- I would like to disable the automatic creation of WP accounts when a user in the LDAP but not registered in WP logs in.

    I should be able to built that in. However, would it make more sense if the plugin simply followed the registration setting? Or are you thinking that there are situations where you want non-ldap users to be able to create an account on the site, but not LDAP users?


    I sent you an email but thought I would post here too. It would be great if multisite support was there. Our schools would love this. Happy to help test

    Dan Greene


    Network support would be great. Any updates on 1.7?

    I’ve almost got it ready to launch. However, I’m on vacation right now, so I won’t be able to release it publicly for a bit. If you want, send me an email (gilzow -= AT =- MISSOURI dot EDU) and I’ll forward you the latest beta version. I could definitely use some additional testers. Ldap can be extremely finicky.

    Dan Greene


    I sent you an email, be glad to help test.

    +1 for any better network support… Thanks for this great plugin anyway!

    @ponsfrilus – would love to have you test the next version that has network support and give me feedback. Send me an email to the address I posted above and I’ll send you a copy.

    @dgreene423 – I believe I sent you a copy. If you didnt get it, PLEASE let me know and I’ll send it again. If you did get it, please let me know how it is working for you, ESPECIALLY if you come across any bugs/issues.

    So far the beta is working great in my testing. It took me a while to get used to the network setup just because I was so used to having set up the plugin every time I had a new site.

    @dgreene423 good to hear. Thanks for letting me know.

    I’d like to hear back from at least one more person that everything is working correctly before I push it out.

    Hi everybody. Thank you @gilzow for this awesome plugin.

    This is also the only LDAP/AD authentication plugin that I could get to work in my university production environment due to SSL and firewall restrictions and what not.

    One thing i noticed is that when an LDAP user changes their passsword via the LDAP system, the change from the LDAP system doesn’t automagically apply to wordpress system and the previously authorized LDAP user can only authenticate via the older password. Am i doing anything wrong?


    That is odd. Which version are you using now? Also, can you try it with the 1.7.1 version I just sent you and let me know if you are still seeing the same issue?

    @gilzow thank you. The 1.7.1. works well.

    Apparently, my password not updating issue had more to do with my server rather than the plugin. I tested with both 1.6 and 1.7.1 both work now.

    Had to restart my httpd

    well, at one point, the wpdirauth plugin DID save the password used in ldap authentication into the wordpress system. However, there was the issue of the password not being updated in wordpress if it changed in LDAP, and I dont like the idea of storing the LDAP password, so I changed it i think in version 1.6.

    Either way, glad to hear that this issue is resolved. Give me feedback on 1.7.1 when you are able to.

    @gilzow, the plugin works well. Network support is better from the network control panel. But i think i still have to go to each sub-site and enter LDAP settings.

    I think it would be great it it were one admin panel from the network settings tab so that all subsites would directly inherit the settings.

    @subigya When you are in the Network Admin area, there should be a settings panel for wpdirauth that creates global settings. In fact, you should ONLY be able to enter settings for wpdirauth in the network admin area, and in the main site. The child sites should not have access to the wpdirauth settings.

    this is mainly do to the way wordpress handles users when set up for multisite. If you arent seeing the settings panel for wpdirauth in the network admin area, PLEASE let me know as that means i definitely have a bug some where.

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