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  • Plugin Author Tareq Hasan


    do you have this file?

    Thread Starter argon2000


    I just checked yes I have that

    Thread Starter argon2000


    I comment the sortable function out it seem to cause issues

    Hi folks!
    if nothing happens when you click on the add image button, and you get no js error at all (like it happened to me) this is probably because you are loading the shortcodes from a php file using a page template.

    For example, I was using this in my template file:
    <?php echo do_shortcode('[wpuf_addpost]'); ?>

    But, the attachment.php has this logic for loading the scripts:
    if ( has_shortcode( 'wpuf_addpost' ) || has_shortcode( 'wpuf_edit' ) || has_shortcode( 'wpuf_dashboard' ) )

    and I found out that it returns false if you load the shortcode from php.
    I think this is a bug and should be fixed.

    And the resolution to the problem is to do what, ablok?

    f1mktsol, the easy way is to insert the shortcode in the page/post and not in the template file.

    If that is not possible, you will have to hack the lib/attachment.php and do something along the lines of
    substitute (2 times in the script)
    has_shortcode( 'wpuf_addpost' )
    $post->ID == 11111 || has_shortcode( 'wpuf_addpost' )
    and add
    global $post;
    in a new line under
    function scripts() {

    Replace 11111 in the code above with your post/page ID.
    This code is not tested. Hope it helps!

    Hi Tareq,
    I am using wp-user-frontend plugin on my website.Its upload featured image and additional image code is working fine on chrome,mozilla,rockmelt browsers but not functioning properly in IE and Safari browsers So please help me solve this issue.

    Hi a.blok

    I have tried what you suggested, didn’t work unfortunately.

    Any ideas?

    function scripts() {
            if ( $post->ID == 286 || has_shortcode( 'wpuf_addpost' )  || has_shortcode( 'wpuf_edit' ) || has_shortcode( 'wpuf_dashboard' ) ) {
                $max_file_size = intval( wpuf_get_option( 'attachment_max_size' ) ) * 1024;
                $max_upload = intval( wpuf_get_option( 'attachment_num' ) );
                $attachment_enabled = wpuf_get_option( 'allow_attachment' );
    			global $post;
                wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery' );
                if ( $post->ID == 286 || has_shortcode( 'wpuf_addpost' ) || has_shortcode( 'wpuf_edit' ) ) {
                    wp_enqueue_script( 'plupload-handlers' );

    Hi applegateian,
    there is an error in your script:
    global $post;
    must be the first line after
    function scripts() {

    Just move the line of code and it should work.

    Ok I moved that, cleared cache, still the same – code for the whole section is here – thanks:

    function scripts() {
        		global $post;
            if ( $post->ID == 286 || has_shortcode( 'wpuf_addpost' )  || has_shortcode( 'wpuf_edit' ) || has_shortcode( 'wpuf_dashboard' ) ) {
                $max_file_size = intval( wpuf_get_option( 'attachment_max_size' ) ) * 1024;
                $max_upload = intval( wpuf_get_option( 'attachment_num' ) );
                $attachment_enabled = wpuf_get_option( 'allow_attachment' );
                wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery' );
                if ( $post->ID == 286 || has_shortcode( 'wpuf_addpost' ) || has_shortcode( 'wpuf_edit' ) ) {
                    wp_enqueue_script( 'plupload-handlers' );
                wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery-ui-sortable' );
                wp_enqueue_script( 'wpuf_attachment', plugins_url( 'js/attachment.js', dirname( __FILE__ ) ), array('jquery') );
                wp_localize_script( 'wpuf_attachment', 'wpuf_attachment', array(
                    'nonce' => wp_create_nonce( 'wpuf_attachment' ),
                    'number' => $max_upload,
                    'attachment_enabled' => ($attachment_enabled == 'yes') ? true : false,
                    'plupload' => array(
                        'runtimes' => 'html5,silverlight,flash,html4',
                        'browse_button' => 'wpuf-attachment-upload-pickfiles',
                        'container' => 'wpuf-attachment-upload-container',
                        'file_data_name' => 'wpuf_attachment_file',
                        'max_file_size' => $max_file_size . 'b',
                        'url' => admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php' ) . '?action=wpuf_attach_upload&nonce=' . wp_create_nonce( 'wpuf_audio_track' ),
                        'flash_swf_url' => includes_url( 'js/plupload/plupload.flash.swf' ),
                        'silverlight_xap_url' => includes_url( 'js/plupload/plupload.silverlight.xap' ),
                        'filters' => array(array('title' => __( 'Allowed Files' ), 'extensions' => '*')),
                        'multipart' => true,
                        'urlstream_upload' => true,

    + 1
    I have the same issue as applegateian.
    The “Add another” button works in all browsers except for IE.

    Any ideas?

    Resolved my IE specific issue by commenting out attachment.php’s calls to use the silverlight flavor of plupload, see here.

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