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  • in the wpuf-editprofile.php there’s code that says …

    if ( is_user_logged_in() ) {
    } else {
    printf( __( “This page is restricted. Please Register to view this page.”);



    @robynred -> when I added this coding
    in the wpuf-editprofile.php there’s code that says …

    if ( is_user_logged_in() ) {
    } else {
    printf( __( “This page is restricted. Please Register to view this page.”);

    It shut down my site. Is there something I am missing? Perhaps a “Register” plugin of some sort. I want the form appear automatically without need of logging-in

    hi i’ve just noticed that code wasn’t what i wanted to copy and paste but i can’t edit it. Anyone know how i can remove or edit the above comment.

    Don’t paste the code as is from above because the “register” anchor text links to another site.

    Hi Guys,
    I am new in wordpress. I am using a plugin ‘WP User Frontend’ for regiter and edit profile .When i want to edit my profile page then error message show that”This page is restricted. Please Log in to view this page”.

    Please help me on this …
    Thanks in advance.

    Alok ranjan Dubey

    Heiko Mamerow


    Hi folks,

    just comment some lines out and add postings works fine without login:

    1. Open this file: …./wordpress/wp-content/plugins/wp-user-frontend/wpuf-add-post.php
    2. Edit this:
      if ( is_user_logged_in() ) {
                  $this->post_form( $post_type );
              } else {
                  printf( __( "This page is restricted. Please %s to view this page.", 'wpuf' ), wp_loginout( get_permalink(), false ) );
    3. to this:
      #        if ( is_user_logged_in() ) {
                  $this->post_form( $post_type );
      #        } else {
      #            printf( __( "This page is restricted. Please %s to view this page.", 'wpuf' ), wp_loginout( get_permalink(), false ) );
      #        }
    4. Safe the file.

    …ready ??

    (Don’t comment the 2nd. line!)



    Note if you alter the code as above some things wont work properly for non-logged in users particularly in the official released version. The development version fixes a lot of these problems.

    Newer frontend versions now being worked on include a Captcha for non logged in users.

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