no problem, I understand.
The Atahualpa theme is indeed one of the more complicated ones, in terms of working together with WP-Table Reloaded.
And as both were developed independently, it is clear that things don’t work the same and might even interfere (like the zebra feature).
Now, you have a few options: You could simply deactivate the usage of the “Default CSS” in WP-Table Reloaded (with a checkbox on the “Plugin Options” screen), and you could also deactivate the “Alternating row colors” in WP-Table Reloaded.
That basically gives the styling control to Atahualpa and you should see the styling of Atahualpa for your tables.
You could also deactivate the zebra feature in Atahualpa (I believe they use JavaScript for this, which is actually not even necessary, as it can be done with plain CSS), and use the feature from WP-Table Reloaded.
And for color styling, you have full flexibility in WP-Table Reloaded as well, as it allows you to use any CSS code for the table cells, and has several CSS classes available that you can use as selectors.
That’s actually a very powerful way. I acknowledge that there’s no direct UI to set colors, but I feel with CSS it is still easy.
Best wishes,