• I just downloaded and tried to activate this plugin but am receiving a fatal error.

    Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/my_site_path/wp-content/plugins/wp-survey-and-quiz-tool/lib/Wpsqt/Widget.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /my_site_path/wp-content/plugins/wp-survey-and-quiz-tool/lib/Wpsqt/Core.php on line 43

    Core points to Widget.php on this line and the file does not exist in the Wpsgt directory. Was the Widget.php file overlooked on the last commit?

    FYI, I substituted ‘my_site_path’ instead of using my actual path.



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  • Thanks Ollie. I suggested that a “Compatible with MultiSite” be added to plugins. It seems MS is causing problems with some other plugins too.

    I’ll try your plugin on a WP 3.2.1 single install and see what I get.

    Just tried the same poll on single install of WP 3.2.1 and got the same error.

    Plugin Author Ollie Armstrong


    Right, so its not a MS issue. I have set up multiple fresh copies of WP and it works fine. Do you have any issues with quizzes/surveys?

    Also, can I ask what host you are using or is it local?

    I’m using localhost for testing.

    I’ll have to check on quizzes/surveys. I think there was a similar problem on one of them.

    Plugin Author Ollie Armstrong


    Right, well I have a feeling it is something on your end then.

    Would like to know if its an issue with your localhost or the install. Could you zip up the entire wordpress directory (don’t worry about any security – if everything is localhost then I wouldn’t be able to access anyway – but blank them out if you feel safer) and upload it somewhere. Also a dump of all the wordpress tables would be useful. Just so I can check out that everything is working how it should be.


    I just did a quiz on the single install and I didn’t get any errors. It is strange that in results, I got a “fail” when the questions were answered correctly and showed 100%.

    BTW, why is it that you have a [wpsqt_quiz name=””] and a [wpsqt_survey name=””], but not [wpsqt_poll name=””]?


    Plugin Author Ollie Armstrong


    In reply to the fail, I haven’t actually finished that feature yet, wasn’t meant to deploy it, must have slipped out….

    The reason that’s different is because I’m deprecating [wpsqt_quiz/survey] in favour of [wpsqt type=”quiz/survey/poll” name=”name”].

    I’m taking a look now.

    Ok. Thanks. I checked out the database and I think the problem might be that the answers aren’t being saved. I need to look a little deeper. Maybe I should add more quizzes.

    Plugin Author Ollie Armstrong


    If the answers aren’t being saved then the issue wouldn’t happen because it doesn’t try to display the answers if there are none.

    In pages/admin/poll/result.php if you paste echo '<pre>'; var_dump($results); echo '</pre>'; below line 25 it should prove there are results being fetched.


    I ran debug and now I’m getting an undefined index on line 31.
    The index is $pollName which is “Favorite reality show”.

    I created another poll and called it “Newpoll”. I didn’t get the error on results. I also got the output on the var_dump instead of NULL.

    I think the problem could be that “Favorite reality show” was converted to “Favorite Reality Show” and since it didn’t match, I got the “undefined error”.

    I’ll try another poll with at least three words in the title and see if it generates an error.

    I can confirm what the problem is.

    I created another poll titled “My new poll” with two sections. After taking the poll I looked at results and got the same errors.

    I went back and changed [wpsqt_survey name=”My new poll”] to [wpsqt_survey name=”My New Poll”] with caps for the first letter of each word, and NO ERRORS.

    I also went back to my WP MultiSite installation and got the same results. So, it wasn’t anything caused by multisite.

    Just a suggestion but you might want to have the option to use the poll/quiz/survey id instead of the name. That eliminates the possibility of misspelling, caps, etc. I find it easier to enter the id myself.


    Plugin Author Ollie Armstrong



    I see the issue now. When it requests the results it capitalises the first letter of each word of the poll name. I thought this was needed because for some reason it stored it into the database with or without capitals sometimes converting them.

    I’ll take a look and make sure that it will convert all to lower all the time, therefore eliminating the caps issue.

    Thanks for your help debugging, will get an update out asap.


    Plugin Author Ollie Armstrong


    As a side note, as of version 2.5.1 the upgrade script is working. Please use it in future if you are requested to.


    Thanks, Ollie.

    Yes, I usually use the upgrade script unless there are errors and then I do a manual upgrade.

    When I look at “results” I only see the answers to the first question. I set WP_DEBUG to “true” and I get errors. The errors are: “Notice: Undefined index: count in \wp-survey-and-quiz-tool\pages\admin\poll\result.php on line 66.”

    I also get the same errors for line 69 and 72. So obviously, “count” is not defined and that is why I can’t get the answers for the other questions.


    Plugin Author Ollie Armstrong


    Latest update should fix it. Do the update then an upgrade if it prompts you to.


    No, the latest update, 2.5.1 didn’t do it.

    I also did the upgrade and nothing changed. Tried flushing the cache and nothing changed.


    Plugin Author Ollie Armstrong


    Right, well the undefined index count is occurring because a particular answer for a question has no votes. I will change this so it echos ‘0’ instead of trying to find count.

    Could you please do the poll to make sure that every answer for every question has at least one vote, then confirm if the error has disappeared.

    Could you also confirm whether you are getting these errors on poll completion?

    Notice: Undefined index: pass_mark in /sites/ollie-olliearmstrong/vhosts/wpdev.olliearmstrong.ollie.vc.catn.com/http/wp-content/plugins/wp-survey-and-quiz-tool/lib/Wpsqt/Shortcode.php on line 377
    Notice: Undefined index: Poll Name in /sites/ollie-olliearmstrong/vhosts/wpdev.olliearmstrong.ollie.vc.catn.com/http/wp-content/plugins/wp-survey-and-quiz-tool/pages/site/poll/finished.php on line 11
    Notice: Undefined index: Poll Name in /sites/ollie-olliearmstrong/vhosts/wpdev.olliearmstrong.ollie.vc.catn.com/http/wp-content/plugins/wp-survey-and-quiz-tool/pages/site/poll/finished.php on line 13

    The first is understandable and will be fixed but the other two are slightly confusing – again I think its an issue with the capitalisation.

    EDIT: I have corrected those three errors. If you could download the most recent version from GitHub and test it, I would appreciate it. Also, screenshots of the errors and any other bugger ups would also be appreciated.


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