I was finally able to reproduce an issue causing the editor to malfunction on older websites using WP Super Edit.
I couple versions ago I moved the “Custom CSS Classes” and “Super Emoticons” from being just “TinyMCE” plugins to being separate “WordPress Plugins”. This was done because those two (and other personal ones) have functionality that requires more access to the WordPress internals, so they have to be activated as separate WordPress plugins.
This fixed an issue dealing with callback functions that I shouldn’t have been doing in the first place. Unfortunately it looks like it broke some sites that may have had these active for a long time.
The easiest solution is to reload WP Super Edit.
- Make a note of the Editor Plugins activated and the position of the buttons for your editor.
- Go to the WP Super Edit Options tab and press the Uninstall WP Super Edit Database Tables button. This will remove the tables for WP Super Edit from your database.
- Go to the WordPress plugins area and make sure that WP Super Edit is the only active plugin. If the Theme Classes or Emoticon plugins are active, deactivate them.
- Go back to the Settings > WP Super Edit area and press the Install WP Super Edit button.
- If you want to use the WP Super Edit Theme Classes or Emoticon plugins, go back to the WordPress plugin area and activate those plugins.
Unfortunately this will clear out all settings for the buttons and plugins that you may have had previously. You have my sincerest apologies.
If you are brave, before you do any of this do a backup of the wp_super_edit_users table in your database. That table stores the actual button configurations, so you may be able to replace that table AFTER the reinstall and get some of your user’s configurations working as before. I haven’t tested this, but it should work.