[Plugin: WP Super Cache] XML Sitemap Feed not cached
Hi Donncha,
My plugin XML Sitemap Feed creates a new feed to present a blogs/sites XML Sitemap dynamically. This seems a viable solution for a WPMU or WP 3.0 Multi Site setup but I have noticed that WP Super Cache does not cache the XML Sitemap even when it does cache normal feeds. At the bottom of one blog (on another server than mine) I noticed
<!-- Page not cached by WP Super Cache. No closing HTML tag. Check your theme. -->
While this does not seem to be a problem in case of other rss or atom feeds where the closing tag is </rss> (for instance) the closing tag of the xml sitemap is </urlset>… Any way to make WP Super Cache include the XML Sitemap feed in its cache? Or do I need to change the XML Sitemap Feed plugin in any way?
Thanks for your thoughts ??
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