• I don’t know why I always have trouble with this, but I never did understand whether preload can work well in conjunction with normal caching, or if it’s meant to be used exclusively.

    Basically I just want the first 300 posts of my site pre-cached, while any other page gets cached normally when a visitor loads the page. I have normal caching set to expire every hour, while preloaded caches expire every 70 minutes. I have preload mode set to OFF, as I do want garbage collection to take place as usual for all files.

    Are these settings ideal, or is there a better way to set things up?


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  • I am interested in a better understanding of how preload works as well. Is there a way to preload cache for ‘is_single() and/or is_page()’ and have them not be cleared unless an edit is made to that specific post/page? While allowing the normal cache process to work with hourly expire limits for the is_home, is_tag, is_category, etc. type pages?

    The explanations I have around preload found have not been very clear to me. I feel my site would greatly benefit from having preloaded cache for single posts and pages, because the odds of them changing is extremely limited and does not need to be cleared every hour (or whatever limit is set).

    No, the preload will create cached files for the taxonomies and posts on your site. If you have preload mode enabled then no supercache files will be cleared by the garbage collection. They will be cleared when someone leaves a comment or if a post is updated.

    @donncha, not sure if your response is to both of us, but here is my interpretation of your response. Please let me know if I got the right understanding.

    If I run preload, it will cache taxonomies and posts and those cached files will not be deleted when the super_cache expiry time hits. They will only be cleared individually upon submission of a comment or post update.

    What falls under the definition of taxonomies? My definition is that taxonomy is a classification of items, therefore I am reading it to say the taxonomy would be used to identify posts/pages to cache, but it would not cache dynamic pages, such as the home page or category pages.

    Upon a comment or post update, will only the page being commented or updated be cleared? All other posts/pages would remained in preload cache.

    Finally, would the dynamic pages (home page, etc.) be cached via the normal super cache process?

    Thanks again for the help. I appreciate your attention to the support forum.

    Taxonomies are post tags and categories by default. If you have preload mode enabled those archive pages are only cleared when the next preload happens. When a post is made or comment made that post is cleared and the homepage is cleared.

    Any page cleared will be cached again the next time a visitor comes.

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    This doesn’t answer my question at all.

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    Let me try this again:

    Is it safe to preload caches concurrently with normal caching? I don’t have preload mode enabled, I only set the the preloading time.

    It’s perfectly ok to use preload whenever you like!

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    Ok, just wanted to make sure!

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