• I own a website https://www.actressupdates.com
    I started using wp-super-cache a few days ago. I am unable to figure out the right setting for me. Currently i have switched on the preload feature with Refresh rate of preloaded cache files as 720 minutes and Expiry Time & Garbage Collection as 3600 seconds.

    I host my blog on justhost which is very strict on CPU usage.
    I wish to keep my CPU usage as low as possible.

    Can some one help me with these issues:

    1. Will any setting in wp-super-cache increase my CPU usage? Is there any setting that i must not attempt inorder to keep my usage low?

    2. My blog has about 800 posts. Should I use preload feature? Will it increase CPU usage?

    3. https://www.actressupdates.com has about 800 posts. 5-6 new posts are added each day and about 700 visitors and 4500 pageviews per day. What is the best possible setting for my blog? (Expiry Time & Garbage Collection, Refresh rate of preloaded cache files, preload all file or not, etc)

    3. Currently am using Expiry Time & Garbage Collection as 1 hour and Refresh rate of preloaded cache files as 12 hours. Will the preloaded cache files expire in every one hour and gets reloaded?? please advice me about the best setting for me..

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  • 1. Probably not, except legacy mode caching but the docs already recommend not using that. Don’t use coarse locking either .
    2. Yes, use it. It might increase CPU load while preloading but there’s a pause in between every page to reduce that load. It’s worth doing.
    3. Use the recommended settings in the documentation.
    4. Make sure “Preload mode” is on and the preloaded files will only be refreshed every 12 hours.

    Thread Starter actressupdates


    thanx donncha for your reply..

    I have changed everything to “recommended setting”.

    The documentation says: “Experiment with different values and visit this page to see how many expired files remain at different times during the day.”

    May I know what will probably be the best number of “expired files” for my blog with 800 posts and 4500 page views per day?

    Sorry for such questions. Am not a techie guy..

    Thanks in advance..

    If you’re using preload mode then it doesn’t really matter about expired files. The ages get refreshed at the same time anyway.

    Thread Starter actressupdates


    Thanks for the help..

    Thread Starter actressupdates



    I did every thing as per your recommendation.

    Under the Preload tab, I had set a refresh rate of 2880 min.(2 days)
    I had done that at 4 PM, 23/12/2010 (Indian standard Time).
    Since then I could see a count down stating “xx hours xx minutes for next full refresh of preload files”.

    Now the time is 5 PM, 25/12/2010 (Indian Standard Time), that is, 2880 minutes had passed and the refresh of preloaded files hasn’t taken place, and also the count down stating “xx hours xx minutes for next full refresh of preload files” has disappeared.

    Please help.

    For my preloaded files, I do not refresh them at all. I could not think of an advantage to doing this. When a post/page is updated, SuperCache clears it from the cache automatically. So why would I want to refresh all other preloaded posts/pages? I could not think of a reason other than to update archive plugins, so I do not refresh preloaded files on a schedule at all.

    Thread Starter actressupdates


    Its working fine for me now.

    @ cfisher:

    If you dont refresh preloaded files at regular intervals your side bar widgets also wont get refreshed. Widgets like recent posts will never show recent posts if you dont refresh them. If you dont use a dynamic sidebar then its fine without refreshing.

    actressupdates – first thing to check is if wp-cron is working (scheduled posts working?), then use the debug system to track what happens when those requests go through. Limit it to the IP of your server I think. Check your access log for wp-cron.php and use that IP address. That will hopefully tell you a lot about what’s happening, or not.

    Thread Starter actressupdates



    I have enabled preload every 2880 minutes and
    “Expiry Time & Garbage Collection” 3600 sec..

    I know that posts will get refreshed every 2880 minute.. May I know when will the category pages get refreshed??

    Thread Starter actressupdates


    When will the category pages expire and get refreshed??
    Always it shows “0 Expired Pages”..

    They’ll get refreshed every 2880 minutes.

    Thread Starter actressupdates



    @donncha for a blog that has between a 100-200 posts:

    1. How many minutes in preload do you recommend?
    2. Should I set it to preload all posts?

    Just trying to follow the recommended settings for a fast wordpress blog. Thanks for the plugin.

    1. Whatever your comfortable with. I use 2880 minutes.
    2. Yes.

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