• At my site students.scisdragons.net I recently put in WP Super Cache. It seems to be working ok, except that occasionally I get in Chrome:

    Server error
    The website encountered an error while retrieving https://students.scisdragons.net/wp-admin/network/sites.php. It may be down for maintenance or configured incorrectly.
    Here are some suggestions:
    Reload this webpage later.
    HTTP Error 500 (Internal Server Error): An unexpected condition was encountered while the server was attempting to fulfill the request.

    I refresh the screen, and it’s gone. I don’t see anything in the apache error log. What should I be looking for. I’m using Ubuntu Server and Apache 2.


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  • Thread Starter cheezitman


    Hmmm…. seems there’s a problem with

    08:05:12 /kapm50927 Cookie detected: wordpress_logged_in_7efd1b1668d8164ea22947efcf3d8fed
    08:05:12 /kapm50927 supercache dir: /home/www/hdb/students.scisdragons.net/wp-content/cache/supercache/students.scisdragons.net/kapm50927/
    08:05:12 /kapm50927 No wp-cache file exists. Must generate a new one.
    08:05:13 /kapm50927 Cookie detected: wordpress_logged_in_7efd1b1668d8164ea22947efcf3d8fed
    08:05:13 /kapm50927 In WP Cache Phase 2
    08:05:13 /kapm50927 Setting up WordPress actions
    08:05:13 /kapm50927 Created output buffer
    08:05:13 /kapm50927 Cookie detected: wordpress_logged_in_7efd1b1668d8164ea22947efcf3d8fed
    08:05:13 /kapm50927/wp-cron.php?doing_wp_cron=1331193913 In WP Cache Phase 2
    08:05:13 /kapm50927/wp-cron.php?doing_wp_cron=1331193913 Setting up WordPress actions
    08:05:13 /kapm50927/wp-cron.php?doing_wp_cron=1331193913 Not caching POST request.
    08:05:13 /kapm50927 Output buffer callback
    08:05:13 /kapm50927 Buffer is blank. Output buffer may have been corrupted by another plugin or this is a redirected URL. Look for text 'ob_start' in the files of your plugins directory.
    08:05:13 /kapm50927 No closing html tag. Not caching.
    08:05:13 /kapm50927 wp_cache_shutdown_callback: collecting meta data.
    08:05:13 /kapm50927 Did not write meta file: wp-cache-blog1c4e2ea680e65cb0f0168896513d69b1.meta ** *0* **

    The Buffer being blank….

    cheezitman – the sites 500 internal error might be an out of memory error.

    The blank buffer isn’t related I think. That happens on front facing pages, not the backend.

    Thread Starter cheezitman


    What can I do about the out of memory error. It’s not showing up in the Apache logs?

    Normally if I refresh the page the blog loads, it’s just showing this on the first visit.

    Thread Starter cheezitman


    I did try deactivating all the plugins except caching… didn’t help.

    Thread Starter cheezitman


    What can I do about this? Any other places I should look.

    This is a longer list of the debug log from wp super cache. It’s definitely the caching, but I’m at a loss on how to fix it.

    01:18:20 /gilo55856/tag/tup/ No wp-cache file served as user agent rejected.
    01:18:20 /gilo55856/tag/tup/ In WP Cache Phase 2
    01:18:20 /gilo55856/tag/tup/ Setting up WordPress actions
    01:18:20 /gilo55856/tag/tup/ USER AGENT (Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +https://www.google.com/bot.html)) rejected. Not Caching
    01:18:20 /wp-cron.php?doing_wp_cron=1331255900 In WP Cache Phase 2
    01:18:20 /wp-cron.php?doing_wp_cron=1331255900 Setting up WordPress actions
    01:18:20 /wp-cron.php?doing_wp_cron=1331255900 Not caching POST request.
    01:18:20 /wp-cron.php?doing_wp_cron=1331255900 Cache garbage collection.
    01:18:20 /wp-cron.php?doing_wp_cron=1331255900 Cleaning expired cache files in /home/www/hdb/students.scisdragons.net/wp-content/cache/blogs/blog/

    [Large amount of log data trimmed by moderator per forum rules. Please use the pastebin for all large code excerpts. It works better anyway.]

    Thread Starter cheezitman


    I’ve also attached my memory usage graph to here

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