I take a look into the source…..
$data = wp_smushit_post($file_url);
if ( FALSE === $data )
return array($file, __('Error posting to Smush.it', WP_SMUSHIT_DOMAIN));
// make sure the response looks like JSON -- added 2008-12-19 when
// Smush.it was returning PHP warnings before the JSON output
if ( strpos( trim($data), '{' ) != 0 ) {
return array($file, __('Bad response from Smush.it', WP_SMUSHIT_DOMAIN));
The error message “Bad response from Smush.it ” will be given when
int strpos ( string $haystack , mixed $needle [, int $offset = 0 ] )
returns the numeric posission (first occurance) off “needle” in “haystack”
—>PHP Manual
trim($data), '{' )
Trims “{” and some other charactres from the string $data. The output os $data without the trimed chars.
—> PHP Manual
Ist the problem there ?????????