• Resume Options > Contact Information = data set in this area is all over the screen and doesn’t display even remotely the same in all browsers

    Resume Options > Resume Order – I created 5 Sections for my resume. However, only the first data set can be moved around. None of the other data sets can be moved.

    Positions listed with no data/content stack on top of themselves.

    Very little consistency between various web browsers.

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  • Plugin Author Ben Balter


    What browser/version are you using? I just verified, and all looked right in Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and IE.

    Also, would it be possible to send/attach a screen shot?

    Sorry to hear you’re having trouble, but greatly appreciate the feedback.

    I have the same problem, only first 3 sections can be moved around, the following ones cannot be moved.

    How to send the screenshot?

    the culprit here is one too many </ul> tags in this section of code, it gets messed with ifs and so on. Still trying to figure them out:

    <?php foreach ( wp_resume_get_sections(false) as $section ) { ?>
    				<li class="section" id="<?php echo $section->term_id; ?>">
    <?php 				echo $section->name; ?>
    					<ul class="organizations">
    <?php				$current_org='';
    					$posts = wp_resume_query( $section->slug );
    					if ( $posts->have_posts() ) : while ( $posts->have_posts() ) : $posts->the_post();
    						$organization = wp_resume_get_org( get_the_ID() );
    						if ($organization && $organization->term_id != $current_org) {
    							if ($current_org != '') {
    <?php 						}
    							$current_org = $organization->term_id;
    							<li class="organization" id="<?php echo $organization->term_id; ?>">
    								<?php echo $organization->name; ?>
    								<ul class="positions">
    <?php						}  ?>
    								<li class="position" id="<?php the_ID(); ?>">
    									<?php echo the_title(); ?> <?php if ($date = wp_resume_format_date( get_the_ID() ) ) echo "($date)"; ?>
    <?php 				endwhile; ?>
    <?php				endif;	 ?>
    				<?php } ?>

    At some

    well, I found no other solution but to count the open ul and li and avoid closing them when the count is zero. It is working for me now:

    foreach ( wp_resume_get_sections(false) as $section ) { ?>
    	<li class="section" id="<?php echo $section->term_id; ?>">
    <?php 				$li=$li+1;
    		echo $section->name; ?>
    		<ul class="organizations">
    <?php				$ul=$ul+1;
    		$posts = wp_resume_query( $section->slug );
    		if ( $posts->have_posts() ) : while ( $posts->have_posts() ) : $posts->the_post();
    			$organization = wp_resume_get_org( get_the_ID() );
    			if ($organization && $organization->term_id != $current_org) {
    				if ($current_org != '') {
    					</li><?php $li=$li-1; ?>
    					</ul><?php $ul=$ul-1; ?>
    <?php 						}
    				$current_org = $organization->term_id;
    				<li class="organization" id="<?php echo $organization->term_id; ?>">
    					<?php $li=$li+1;
    					echo $organization->name; ?>
    					<ul class="positions">
    <?php							$ul=$ul+1;
    				}  ?>
    					<li class="position" id="<?php the_ID(); ?>">
    						<?php $li=$li+1; echo the_title(); ?> <?php if ($date = wp_resume_format_date( get_the_ID() ) ) echo "($date)"; ?>
    					</li><?php $li=$li-1; ?>
    <?php 				endwhile; ?>
    		</ul><?php $ul=$ul-1; ?>
    <?php				endif;	 ?>
    		<?php if ( $ul>0 ) {echo '</ul>'; $ul=$ul-1;} ?>
    	<?php if ( $li>0 ) {echo '</li>'; $li=$li-1;} ?>
    	<?php } ?>

    forgot to mention: those lines must be replaced inside wp_resume.php file

    Plugin Author Ben Balter


    Rvencu, thanks for taking the time to dig into all that. You are indeed correct that is the problem, and you are not alone in the frustration — my apologies.

    Please try this version which incorporates the corrected ul/li code and let me know if it works? If so, I will push it into the repository.

    – Ben

    No, it is not working either with my set of data. I tried to debug the logic but it becomes very complicated because the number of combinations between sections, organisations and positions is so big that it is very hard to discover the issue.

    I would say counting is not an elegant solution but it is safe and fast.

    if it helps, see here the corrected html source (without the extra /ul tag). try to see where is the fault, this dataset is triggering it for sure:

    <ul id="sections">
    				<li class="section" id="200">
    Experien??					<ul class="organizations">
    							<li class="organization" id="206">
    								Dentfix Pro								<ul class="positions">
    								<li class="position" id="2012">
    									Ac?ionar ?i medic stomatolog specialist ?n chirurgie dento-alveolar? (<span class="dtstart">2007</span> – <span class="dtend">present</span>)								</li>								
    								</li>								</ul>							<li class="organization" id="207">
    								Clinica Cranio-Maxilo-Facial? II								<ul class="positions">
    								<li class="position" id="2014">
    									Medic stomatolog rezident chirurgie dento-alveolar? (<span class="dtstart">2004</span> – <span class="dtend">2007</span>)								</li>								
    								</li>								</ul>							<li class="organization" id="208">
    								Serviciul de Urgen?e Stomatologice (1)								<ul class="positions">
    								<li class="position" id="2051">
    									Medic rezident (<span class="dtstart">2004</span> – <span class="dtend">2007</span>)								</li>								
    								</li>								</ul>							<li class="organization" id="209">
    								CMI. DR. Fulea Alexandrina Maria								<ul class="positions">
    								<li class="position" id="2105">
    									Medic stagiar 								</li>								
    								</li>								</ul>							<li class="organization" id="210">
    								Serviciul de Urgen?e Stomatologice (2)								<ul class="positions">
    								<li class="position" id="2103">
    									Medic stagiar (<span class="dtstart">2003</span> – <span class="dtend">2004</span>)								</li>
    					</ul>					</ul>				</li>								<li class="section" id="199">
    Educa?ie					<ul class="organizations">
    							<li class="organization" id="207">
    								Clinica Cranio-Maxilo-Facial? II								<ul class="positions">
    								<li class="position" id="2107">
    									Medic rezident (<span class="dtstart">2004</span> – <span class="dtend">2007</span>)								</li>								
    								</li>								</ul>							<li class="organization" id="211">
    								Universitatea de Medicin? ?i Farmacie ?Iuliu Ha?ieganu”								<ul class="positions">
    								<li class="position" id="2101">
    									Student Facultatea de Stomatologie 								</li>								
    								</li>								</ul>							<li class="organization" id="212">
    								Colegiul Na?ional ?Gh. Lazar”								<ul class="positions">
    								<li class="position" id="2099">
    									Liceu Profil Matematic?-Fizic? 								</li>
    					</ul>					</ul>				</li>								<li class="section" id="201">
    Cursuri perfec?ionare post-universitare					<ul class="organizations">
    								<li class="position" id="2198">
    									Restaur?ri protetice realizate ?n cabinetul stomatologic 								</li>
    								<li class="position" id="2192">
    									Managementul durerii ?n zona oro-facial? 								</li>
    								<li class="position" id="2186">
    									Reconstruc?iile osoase. Estetic? 								</li>
    								<li class="position" id="2182">
    									Formation et Perfectionnement en parodontologie et implantologie 								</li>
    								<li class="position" id="2184">
    									Inova?iile ?n tratamentul implantar 								</li>
    								<li class="position" id="2178">
    									Ra?ini compozite directe – up to date 								</li>
    								<li class="position" id="2039">
    									?Endodon?ia non-chirurgical? ?i chirurgical?: noi standarde terapeutice” Prof. dr. Arnaldo Castellucci – Bucure?ti 								</li>
    								<li class="position" id="2049">
    									Radiografia dentar? conven?ional? – Principii, tehnici, actualit??i (<span class="dtstart">27.02.2010</span> – <span class="dtend">27.02.2010</span>)								</li>
    								<li class="position" id="2035">
    									?Competen?? ?n Estetica Dentar?” Ivoclar – Budapesta 								</li>
    								<li class="position" id="2041">
    									Geometria ?lefuirii bonturilor 								</li>
    								<li class="position" id="2045">
    									Metode tehnologice inovatorii ?n protetica dentar? 								</li>
    								<li class="position" id="2196">
    									Implantology. Theoretical and Practical Fast Training (Milano) (<span class="dtstart">23.05.2008</span> – <span class="dtend">24.05.2008</span>)								</li>
    								<li class="position" id="2204">
    									Zilele Universit??ii de Medicin? ?i Farmacie ?Iuliu Ha?ieganu” 								</li>
    								<li class="position" id="2194">
    									Pre-prosthetic surgery. Implantology 								</li>
    					</ul>									</li>								<li class="section" id="202">
    Congrese na?ionale ?i interna?ionale					<ul class="organizations">
    								<li class="position" id="2180">
    									Al XVI-lea congres romano-francez de stomatologie 								</li>
    								<li class="position" id="2037">
    									Al XV-lea congres romano-francez – ?Estetic ?i Func?ional ?n Medicina Dentar? Modern?” Sibiu 								</li>
    								<li class="position" id="2202">
    									Al XIV-lea congres romano-francez de stomatologie (<span class="dtstart">09.10.2008</span> – <span class="dtend">11.10.2008</span>)								</li>
    								<li class="position" id="2188">
    									Al X-lea congres romano-francez de stomatologie 								</li>
    								<li class="position" id="2190">
    									Al IX-lea congres romano-francez de stomatologie 								</li>
    								<li class="position" id="2200">
    									A ?asea reuniune stiin?ific? romano-francez? (<span class="dtstart">08.10.1998</span> – <span class="dtend">10.10.1998</span>)								</li>
    					</ul>									</li>								<li class="section" id="204">
    Organiza?ii profesionale					<ul class="organizations">
    								<li class="position" id="2025">
    									Colegiul Medicilor Denti?ti Bucure?ti (<span class="dtstart">2007</span> – <span class="dtend">present</span>)								</li>
    								<li class="position" id="2033">
    									Asocia?ia Medicilor Stomatologi cu Practic? Privat? din Romania (<span class="dtstart">2005</span> – <span class="dtend">prezent</span>)								</li>
    								<li class="position" id="2030">
    									Asocia?ia Odonto-Stomatologic? Roman?-Francez? Sibiu (<span class="dtstart">2001</span> – <span class="dtend">prezent</span>)								</li>
    					</ul>									</li>								<li class="section" id="213">
    Agend?					<ul class="organizations">
    								<li class="position" id="2129">
    									Programare online la Dr. Adina Fulea 								</li>
    					</ul>									</li>								<li class="section" id="203">
    Diplome					<ul class="organizations">
    								<li class="position" id="2673">
    									Diplome educa?ie 								</li>
    					</ul>									</li>							</ul>

    the code is quite in disorder but you should be able to arrange it in your editor

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