[Plugin: wp-realty] User Registration Bridge
Although not mentioned in the documentation or in the actual product page, a user bridge is installed but requires some minor template edits to place the forms.
I can’t seem to get this plug-in to work at all. Instead I get a failed to open stream error: No such file or directory in <directory path>/wp-content/plugins/wp-realty/wp-realty.php on line 254.
Does this minor template edit help? If so, what is it?
Doesn’t this plugin violate the WP GPL? The code interacts with WP core functions and under the terms of the GPL, is considered an extension of WP and must also be released under the GPL. The code is encrypted and they do not offer access to the source code.
Hello Paul; Your post appears innocent but I think we know better right? I’ll ask that you don’t take the same liberty with your rant in this forum as you do in others to further your efforts against our plugins which is getting a little old. Lets leave the WP Forums out of this please.
FYI on the Encryption
Lots of code is encrypted in plugins for WordPress as I can make reference to three off the top of my head. Lots of FREE template, theme developers also encrypt the footer section of their GPL templates in order to preserve some link back features they wish to retain. I’m not sure if this is fully GPL or not as I was under the impression that GPL refers to the license status of a product and NOT the availability of the viewable code.If it is however a problem with GPL I’ll simply decrypt most the code leaving only the bridging feature encrypted as many people in OpenRealty want the feature in their WordPress blog but developers like pbflash would like to remove us from the loop by republishing I’m certain.
As a result, our motive has a history in dealing with anything related to OpenRealty and although I have fond respect for OpenRealty and Ryan Bonham, working with some third party developers-administrators has proven to be impossible.
ALL of our other FREE NON OpenRealty related products including our 100% FREE WordPress Menu Creator and our 100% FREE Unbranded WordPress Innova Editor and even the 100% FREE Unbranded WP Guides or WP Post Planner are open source. This is because none of them deal with the integration of OpenRealty so we have no fear of our products being copied and republished in an attempt to devalue what we do.hey PB – – I see ya over here as well sticking your finger in and stirring up more of a buzz for us =)
Just so ya know I personally spoke with the guys over at Joomla via skype that approved our encrypted code under gpl and said that it was fine – in fact they were the ones who added the little extra notes in the component release about it being encrypted – you might want to read and do some searches on Google, oh but I’m sure you must have done that already and found that there really isn’t anything wrong with encrypting under gpl license is there P ? otherwise you would not have bothered with the posting here, right again?
I think your just being a sourpuss because you cant figure it out for yourself otherwise you would have made your own and would have made them commercial addons that you would then sale from your commercial addons page of your website – now that I think of it that’s got to be it! you’re just jealous that you didn’t come up with it first so that you could profit from it!
I’m definitely not jealous about anything you have done. CMS Realty for 1.5 will be released shortly and will be totally free and open source. Once it is done, I’ll be doing the same for a WordPress plugin.
I’m definitely not jealous about anything you have done. CMS Realty for 1.5 will be released shortly and will be totally free and open source. Once it is done, I’ll be doing the same for a WordPress plugin.
Thank you Paul, you finally admit your motive. Dude I wasted 4 hours researching and writing to defend our position and now you finally admit your motive.
For anyone interested.
https://www.ezprorealty.com/forums/showthread.php?p=156&posted=1#post156Its cold in another mans shadow!
Not sure what you think my motive is. I have been working on CMS Realty for 3 years now so updating it to work with Joomla 1.5 is a natural progression. I have also had quite a few people ask me to make plugins for various items and WP is one of them. My post here was due to the fact that you do not provide the source code for an extension of a GPL script. This is required by the GPL license.
Actually your motive is clear to us Paul, I mean seriously, after you made that statement you did in OpenRealty and the one someone pointed out on Ryans blog (both I’ve saved for future use) I had no reason to keep my blog post so I EDITED the post about your accusation on my blog this morning. You guys hung yourself, foolishly, your motive is crystal clear.
Anyone can Google that and find all they need including your statements about undermining competing products. “Your Statements” not ours. I have all the evidence I need and any moderator at WordPress could request it from us which I’ll happily give them the only true evidence.
I’m quite sure that out of your professional ethical responsibility you felt the need to go all over the web and post poison about WP Realty and EZPro Realty because your such a great guy. You use to be decent but as they say, “absolute power corrupts, absolutely”!
Also I’m not going to play this out in a respectable forum like WordPress any longer. I hope a moderator deletes this entire thread. In crap forums like OpenRealty I’d happily exchange blows but I have too much respect for WordPress to carry this on any further. Also, it dawned on me, that you said “CMS Realty for 3 years”, in development? Well access to our code would sure speed that up a tad huh? Maybe another motive just surfaced. After all why have to similar free products unless you stood to be the only one to gain because of your position in OpenRealty? Hmmmmmm such things do make a guy wonder.
I did not say that CMS Realty has been in developement for over 3 years, I have been working on it for the last 3 years when it was originally released. I don’t want to see your code to help speed anything up. I already have a good part of CMS Realty re-written for Joomla 1.5 and I’m not looking for nay help in getting that done.
My motive for the source code was because I was told that you were using CMS Realty code. In addition there was a post at Joomla saying that EZPR was generating CMS Realty links. I should have checked this out more myself before making that claim. Maybe it was an older version as I installed your current version last night and it is not generating cms realty links. I apologize for the accusation about using cms realty code, I was going by what others have told me and had posted on the joomla site.
In addition to the above, the GPL does state that a program that connects to a GPL program and access core functions is considered an extension of that program and the source code must be available to the users. I don’t want to get into an argument about the GPL license so we can leave that decision up to the WP developers.
I never knew that so many people in the real estate web world were so vindictive and out to get each other. This is so opposite of the theme development community who work together and openly share ideas. WordPress believes very strongly in GPL and sharing ideas.
I appreciate Jared’s sharing his wp-realty and other plugins but on every page load I get a call back to ezprorealty and then it drops some link to a BocaRaton condo site that goes against the spirit of GPL. I would gladly pay to use this plugin in development so why not just make it a commercial add on?
It would seem that the GPL problem has been resolved and anything that interacts with WordPress must be GPL’d.
It’s really sad as well as a waste of time that there is hostility among and between open-realty developers. I recently seen a post at the OR forum where someone asked about a WordPress integration and one of the monitors said “Never heard of it.” I hardly believe that as its been around for 3 years. I am relatively new to open-realty but my associate has worked with it for years and probably had the first integrations with wordpress. All this is open source which developers should share and improve instead of taking cheap shots at each other.
Yeah well at open realty you will get NOTHING BUT hostility.
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