It depends how developers use the plugin repository
method 1 : the stable version is inside the trunk so – Stable tag – in readme of trunk is set to ‘trunk’
method 2 : in the trunk, only a readme in trunk where -Stable tag- is set to the version by example 0.9.1 or 1.8.5 so the kit is inside the /tags/0.9.1/ and repository keep and compress it.
As you can see in ‘other versions’ tabs of repository, the trunk in this way contains development version. I don’t use it to avoid errors… (I prefer to work on localhost)
I prefer method 2 in our plugins :
When I decide to set an ‘other version’ as ‘current version’, I just copy the readme.txt of the tags (becoming stable) to the trunk folder… it is why in this page ( ) I can use your plugin with only a line added in #135. But in trunk the readme can not the same as this in stable tags which is displayed by WP repository.
// If displaying the latest version, link to download
if (substr($file_array[$i],0,11)=="Stable tag:") {
$screenshot_url="".$plugin_name."/tags/".$version."/"; //temporary fixes error
Hope that help you.