• Resolved Ced


    Hi !

    I’ve install the WP-Piwik plugin on my multi site but I have a problem…
    When I go for the first time on the WP-Piwik dashboard of a subsite, I have this message inside the boxes :

    “Piwik error: Please specify a value for ‘idSite’.”

    I need to click on the link to the site (front end) or/and click on the “Change” button to see the stats.

    Any ideas ?


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  • oh yes, I have the same problem, see the WP-Piwik-forum:


    Plugin Author braekling


    Hi there.

    WP-Piwik will create a new website in Piwik not until it was triggered the first time. So WP-Piwik doesn’t know a site’s Piwik ID if it was never opened before.

    I will keep this in mind and try to avoid this behaviour (e.g. by creating a site on the first call of it’s stats also).

    Thanks for that hint, that solved my problem concerning this.
    My site was in maintenance mode and so has no statistics yet.
    I deleted for testing the admin filter and then wp-piwik works again like a charm and the error has disappeared.

    WP-Piwik will create a new website in Piwik

    Are you sure this works with a “view access only” token_auth (as suggested in wp-piwik settings)?

    I have 20.000+ blogs running and no siteid’s are added to piwik.
    I don’t know if this plugin can handle such ammounts anyway…

    The code looks great on first inspection (can’t wait to use it).
    However the select-list on super_admin screen fails with SharDB.
    Even if it worked it will take too many resources with large networks.

    $aryBlogs = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare('SELECT blog_id FROM '.$wpdb->prefix.'blogs ORDER BY blog_id'));
    foreach ($aryBlogs as $aryBlog){
    	$objBlog = get_blog_details($aryBlog->blog_id, true);
    	$aryOptions[$objBlog->blogname.'#'.$objBlog->blog_id] = '<option value="'.$objBlog->blog_id.'"'.($blog_id == $objBlog->blog_id?' selected="selected"':'').'>'.$objBlog->blogname.'</option>'."\n";
    foreach ($aryOptions as $strOption) echo $strOption;

    You should use $wpdb->blogs instead of $wpdb->prefix.’blogs’ to support SharDB/HyperDB/MultiDB etc.

    Also please add a global setting to disable sitewide stats for super_admins since 20.000+ blogs in a select-list is trouble.
    I can login to piwik itself (alternatively Analytics) to get a sitewide overview, and only need per-site stats for my users.


    Plugin Author braekling


    WP-Piwik should work fine even with thousands of blogs because it doesn’t manage the blogs itself. It tries to get a blog’s Piwik ID by it’s URL. If the blog isn’t found, WP-Piwik will ask Piwik to create a new ID.

    Of course the super admin stats select box is not a perfect solution if you are using WP-Piwik in a very big netowrk. This was mentioned before and will be fixed by paging or a similar solution.

    I’ll have a look at your database issue and will consider this in 0.9.2.

    Of course WP-Piwik can create new site IDs only if the token grants write access. “at least view access” describes the requirements to run WP-Piwik principally. I’ll think about a more precise description.

    Thread Starter Ced


    Hi and Thanks,

    So if I have understood, if have to open the site first to have access to the site stats ? When could we expect to solve this problem ?

    Plugin Author braekling


    Yes, you have to visiti your blog, because site creation/detection is not triggered before. (But in most cases there should’nt be any stats before a site is visited first. ;-))

    A have a lot of “To-Do”s, but I think I can consider to solve this in 0.9.2, too.

    Plugin Author braekling


    This should be solved in 0.9.2 (release soon).

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