[Plugin: WP phpBB Bridge] Cannot login to wp-admin – redirected to forum login
Hello, first of all wanted to say I’m very happy to have found this mod.
I cannot login to wp-admin anymore. When I try to go there, it redirects me to the forum login. How can i fix this?
you can remove the plugin and re-add as many times as you’d like, unfortunately, I think the problem lies in not having both your phpbb forums and your wordpress site in the same SQL server or having an existing forum already setup..
I dont think it has anything to do with the wp and phpbb3 being on different databases. It was working in the past but I was never able to identify what “changed” to make it not work.
When the plugin is active, I can’t login me. I’m redirect on an other page …
The only way I got mine to work was to start from scratch and install it right after I setup wp and phpbb3. I tried until I was blue in the face but couldnt get it to work without a re-install of wp and phpbb3 =/
Same with me jynx3004, had to start everything from scratch..
Crash84, read some of the previous comments, as I’m almost positive anything people have had problems with has been posted about in this thread..
I have no idea hy I can’t see the same as you all can. I don’t see an option for “WP phpBB Bridge”, nor do I see any phpBB widgets.
Any ideas?
Thanks for your time.
it sounds like it isn’t activated or installed. At the very least, you should be seeing the widgets or the WP Bridge button at the bottom of the sidebar in your admin console..First of all, this plugin is great! Once it works, it works like magic. The problem is getting it to work… ??
The key I think to getting this to work is to install the wordpress database in the same database table as your phpbb database. Before I did that, the plugin refused to work correctly (it did work intermittently for some reason). After I did that, the plugin works great.
For the record, I do not have the phpbb3 users widget activated. I also have wordpress installed in a subdirectory of my phpbb forum. Despite this, the plugin is working 100% for me.
@fraya713: you’re right, I don’t have it activated yet – the instructions specifically state not to activate until later in the installation. Also a poster above says their site fell down after they activated before they were supposed to. Can anyone olease clarify the instructions? Thanks!
Here are the steps I did in order to get this thing to work.
This is the first bridge that I have actually gotten to work and it is by far easier than any of the other “bridges” out there.1.) First off, You need to ensure a few things:
Your forums are a subfolder of your wordpress file structure or vice versa, there have been different reports of people who have created their wordpress as a subfolder within their phpbb folder and opposite, I don’t think it matters either way, but the way I did it was I put my phpbb forums as a subfolder of my wordpress site.2.) I set up my phpbb and wordpress in the same SQL server, other reports have said they set them up in seperate SQL servers without issue, I’ve tried both and only could get it to work when they were in the same SQL database. I also used MySQL 5.0 – not sure if it matters.
3.) I used the same login name, password, and e-mail for both WordPress and PHPBB admin accounts. Not sure how others did it, however, the creator of this plugin recommends using the same for both.
4.) Once you have your wordpress and phpbb forums set up, download and install the WP phpBB Birdge, then activate the plugin.
Note: There is a difference between activating the plugin and activating the bridge. You will activate the plugin, in order to see the added WP phpbb widgets.
5.) Once you’ve activated the plugin, go to widgets and add the phpbb username widget. (I went ahead and added all the phpbb widgets, just to be sure everything I needed was there) This was the step that people said you HAVE TO DO before activating the plugin under the Bridge options.
Note: To be clear, you must NOW place the widget, do NOT ACTIVATE the bridge in the Bridge Settings Tab without the widget in place.
6.) Go to the WP phpBB Bridge tab and set the paths for config.php and ucp.php
typically it should be similar to this depending on your file structure:
Path to config.php:
/home/content/html/wordpress folder/forum folder/config.phpURL to ucp.php:
https://YOUR-WEBSITE.com/forum/ucp.php7.) Assuming you set it up the exact same way I did, set up the admin accounts to be the exact same, installed the plugin, activated it, installed the widget, set the paths, you should now be ready to activate the bridge and login under the widget you just placed and able to login to your wordpress admin panel without a problem.
Note: upon logging in, it will authenticate through your PHPBB forums. Meaning, you sign in through your widget, it sends you to the forums to authenticate and then transfers you back to your main wordpress page. This is normal, this is how the bridge works. It authenticates through your phpbb forums, not your wordpress site.
If you’ve completely botched this up, there are a few things you can do:
1.) The easiest method is to go to your website FTP, locate your wp-content folder > plugins and completely delete your PHPBB bridge pluginand/or
2.) Use Mike’s method:
If you need immediate access to wp-admin then all you need to do is FTP into your WordPress plugins directory and rename the wp-phpbb-bridge plugin folder to something else. You’ll be able to access wp-admin once again. The problem however is that the bridge function of the plugin is still enabled in MySQL… Here’s the fix for that…Login into phpMyAdmin from your CPanel and open your WordPress database. Search for wpb_active and select all the DB tables before clicking Go. You’ll now see the row wpb_active, click on edit. Change both “yes” values to no. You now have your wp-admin back!
hope this helps and isn’t too confusing. Good luck!
I’m having a weird issue that doesn’t seemed to have been resolved in this thread.
The plug in is working fine to an extent.
-WP and PHPBB3 are in one database although wp and phpbb are using difference prefixes.
-My username, password and email are the same.
-My forums are in a sub folder in the blogHere’s the problem:
I have the User Login widget enabled on the front page of my blog. I can log in and it takes me through PHPBB3, got that.
Spits me back to the front page of the blog, great.
But when I click on either Blog control panel or User control panel, it freaks out and logs me out and sends me back to the PHPBB3 login page.
Although, if I click on the Moderator control panel, it works just fine.
Any ideas?
Not sure if this helps any but I was trying to figure out where the session gets lost so I was messing around with some of the code and when I accidentally broke the header stream it all works.
I put an echo in wp-config.php to check the value of a variable and got tons of errors in the header but all of a sudden I got my login bar at the top and was able to access wp-admin while using the user login widget.
Hope this helps =D
I have this issue also gsx, when I try to get into the Phpbb admin panel, my login doesn’t stick. It will log me out when it tries to verify my login and I’ll have to keep logging in and trying it out until I can get in.
This is the only bug I’ve found with this plugin and it’s more of an annoyance than anything.. and I’m not sure what is causing it..
Well I can access the ACP on PHPBB just fine… I can’t access the PHPBB UCP or the WP Admin page.
Note – I can access the PHPBB UCP from PHPBB, just not the user widget on WP
Hey there, I’m really desperate right now and hope that there’s anyone here who can help me with this plugin (which is exactly what I need, but not working as intented).
So I got the problem which is mostly described in here as well:
I’ve installed the bridge, I did put the “login-widget” at its place. The forum’s also a subfolder of wordpress and both are using the same SQL-Database. So far so good. But if I now activate the bridge, it firstly logs me out of the WP CP. If I then try to login over the widget it redirects me into the forum, telling me that I’ve been successfuly logged in, but doesn’t send me back to the wordpress-page. Trying to login to the WP CP then results again in the attempt to log me into the forum and so on and so on…
Both my accounts are admins and have the same email, name and password.
I got WordPress running on version 3.2.1 and PHPBB3 now running on version 3.0.9, but I updated it today, and the bug is there now as it was before, so that shouldn’t be the problem.
Anyway, I’m really desperate for not being able to get this great plugin running, and as there are no alternatives that suite my needs I see no other hope than a reply in here.
SpeedyPS: I don’t know if this is important (bet it will be though) but I got both WP and forum running now for some time and the forum got loads of messages and members. Does this effect the bridge? Can’t it comprehend working forums / homepages?
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