No! It’s a secret!
Okay so I’m not a php programmer but I know enough to figure things out. I couldn’t figure out a way to make it work within the same function because they have to call different variables from the SQL database. So what I did was copy the function, and then just change the variable..
function get_forum_author_avatar($authemail, $size)
global $user;
$phpbb_config = trim(get_option('wpb_path'));
$phpbb_config = trim(get_option('wpb_path'));
$cn = mysql_pconnect($dbhost . ":" . $dbport, $dbuser, $dbpasswd);
$qr = "SELECT u.<code>user_avatar</code>, u.<code>user_avatar_type</code> FROM <code>" . $table_prefix . "users</code> u WHERE u.<code>user_email</code> = '" . $authemail . "'";
$rs = @mysql_query($qr, $cn);
while($i = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs))
$avatar = "<img class=\"avatar photo\" src=\"" . wpb_get_avatar($i['user_avatar'], $i['user_avatar_type']) . "\" alt=\"\" />";
return $avatar;
I put this right after the get_forum_avatar function. Then to make it work, I manually edited the theme file wherever it called for get_avatar for the author avatar, I changed it to get_forum_author_avatar. That was it!