• estivalizt


    I can not translate the text of the page navi

    i have the paginator in spanish but my page is in spanish and in english. When i change to english the paginator continued in spanish.

    I put:

    if(function_exists(’wp_pagenavi’)) {
     wp_pagenavi( array( 'options' => PageNavi_Core::$options->get_defaults() ) );

    into my functions.php

    i put define(‘WPLANG’, ‘es_ES’); into config.php

    i have es_ES.mo file into pluging lang directory

    i don′t know how can i do


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  • lenart


    I’m not sure the same problem applies to your case but I had problems displaying texts in languages other than english. I have WPML installed and have tried several ways to get wp-pagenavi load my language files.

    I looked at the source and noticed that gettext functions are not used when passing the text to output. I ended up hacking the plugin core and hope plugin authors fix this or provide better instructions.

    // in core.php find $options and wrap it up in gettext function
    // you should repeat this for each output text you want to translate
    $pages_text = str_replace(
      array( "%CURRENT_PAGE%", "%TOTAL_PAGES%" ),
      array( number_format_i18n( $paged ), number_format_i18n( $total_pages ) ),
      __($options['pages_text'], 'wp-pagenavi')


    Thanks for sharing your code, I changed it in core too.
    Hope the plugin authors will fix this.

    @plugin Author

    Can you add the gettext functions in core.php please for WP-installs with the WPML plugin?

    I have qTranslate installed and I notice an issue with wp-pagenavi!
    I have a site with 3 languages. The main language of the site is french.
    When the visitor use english or spanish and when he is on a category, he can go to “Page 2” and the language remain in english or spanish, but when he comes back to the “Page 1”, the language is in french.
    Please check https://lesherbesfolles.eu/category/presse?lang=en

    Any help would be appreciated!

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