[Plugin: WP Orbit Slider] Not working on my site
Hey thanks for making this a plugin. I am having trouble making it work on my site though. It’s on a test site right now.
I tried it on another site and it did work though … this site is the version before the newest version of wp
Do you think that you can see the problem?
Hey VirtualPudding … I have a question and it piggybacks right with Claks question … Is there a way that you can have it still slide automatically but not have to show the animation? I want it mine to slide automatically, but I would prefer to have no animation at all. Thanks man.
@clak – Re: FF anim, it seems to be a quirk that i’m unable to fix this end at this point.
@gary – Do you mean not show the timer? If so, its simply hiding it in css. Pop this in your main stylesheet style.css
.timer { display:none!important; }
Alternatively, in the options you can select ‘custom’ stylesheet. This strips all styles from the slider and you can customise to your liking within the custom.css. Make sure to keep a backup of this file, just in case future plugin updates remove it.
Hope this helps
Haha … I should have figured that out … when I do the display: none; , it actually doesn’t seem to work still … it wasn’t sliding … I gave .timer this though and it works good …
.timer { position: absolute; top: -10000px; left: -10000px;}
Thanks for the help.
It’s look especially fresh on the site now. Thanks again for the awesome plugin.
Thats handy to know.
Glad you found a solution!Hi, I changed opacity for the timer from 0.6 to 0.0 in the default CSS. Now you can’t see the timer anymore..
Maybe not a preferred solution, but quick and simple. Have tot remember to redo this in case of future updates.@tonbus
Happy to hear you found a solution.
I’ll look into possible options for such requirements to aid future updates.This is wonderful code – and it works beautifully on Firefox. But it just won’t seem to work on IE9.
I’ve put the js in the footer, made sure all options mentioned were enabled, and still…nothing but 3 photos that overlap text below them.
what can be done before I rip this out and re-build with a different plugin? Just hate to do that!!!
Hey pteredophyte,
Thanks for the kind words.It has to be a confilct with something else… as you’ll see from this dev page https://www.virtualpudding.co.uk/dev/playground/?page_id=4
it works fine in ie9.
I’ve tested your site in ie9 and indeed, not working.
As a stab, you could try the setting ‘window load’.Failing that, until I have time to establish what plugins may be conflicting, i cant be of any more help.
Have you tried de-activating certain plugins to see if that helps?Let me know how you get on and if you have to move on to another plugin, i wish you all the luck. i would look for something geared towards photo gallery display.
Hope this helps
Thanks for your reply – so quickly! I have indeed tried the window load setting – alas…. not the ‘easy fix’ I had hoped for. I also tried putting it in the footer to no avail.
I have not tried de-activating plugins and could try that route possibly.
I’ll play with it some more and if I find the culprit, will let you know!
I am having a “bit” of a problem here…
First I made the Orbit slider work locally (not server but as home.html file)
Now I have migrated it to WordPress but I run upto the same problems as I had with the NivoSlider :/
I look at it in Firebug, and I think there is something wrong with something about the jQuery…… ?? I really don′t know though…https://www.galleri.geckowebb.se
Below is what it looks locally in firebug<div id="homeMainContent" class="clear"> <div class="orbit-wrapper" style="width: 1000px;"> <div id="featured" class="orbit" style="width: 1000px; height: auto;"> <img alt="Overflow: Hidden No More" src="images/galleri-opus-1.png" style="z-index: 1; display: block; left: -940px;"> <img alt="HTML Captions" src="images/galleri-opus-2.png" style="display: block; left: -940px; z-index: 1;"> <img alt="and more features" src="images/galleri-opus-3.png" style="display: block; left: 0px; z-index: 3;"> </div> <div class="timer"> <div class="orbit-caption"></div> <div class="slider-nav"> </div> <div id="tagline" class="clear"> </div> <div id="homeExtraContent" class="clear"> </div>
and this is what it looks like in WP
<div id="contentWrapper"> <div id="homeMainContent" class="clear"> <div id="featured"> <img alt="Overflow: Hidden No More" src="https://galleri.geckowebb.se/wp-content/themes/galleri/images/galleri-opus-1.png"> <img alt="HTML Captions" src="https://galleri.geckowebb.se/wp-content/themes/galleri/images/galleri-opus-2.png"> <img alt="HTML Captions" src="https://galleri.geckowebb.se/wp-content/themes/galleri/images/galleri-opus-3.png"> </div> <div id="tagline" class="clear"> </div> <div id="homeExtraContent" class="clear"> </div>
it is failing to make the orbit-wrapper?!
Please help me, I am totally stuck ??
Thank you!!
Hi Linda,
I’ve viewed the source of the pagelink…
It turns out you are not using our plugin at all. WP-Orbit-Slider.It seems you have included the zurb orbit slider yourself.
This forum is for the support of the wordpress plugin itself.I can see from your source code, that the main jQuery is being loaded twice, that should be avoided.
<script src="https://galleri.geckowebb.se/wp-content/themes/galleri/orbit-1.2.3/jquery-1.5.1.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type='text/javascript' src='https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.1/jquery.min.js?ver=3.3.1'></script>
You would need to address this
Sorry I cant be of any further help as this isn’t relating to the plugin.Hope any of this helps.
Hello virtualpudding,
I am hoping you can help me. This is the first time I have posted here so I am sorry if I have posted in the incorrect section + please note I have also posted this in another thread to you:
I am trying to find a simple responsive image slider to display three images that rotate. No external links and no other contnet is required.
I have installed the WP Orbit Slider plugin. I have created three slides to display in a slider on a page. All the slides are made up of a title and a feature image. All slides have the same category.
I have added the shortcode to the page:
[orbit-slider category=”Carlsberg” numberposts=”3″]
When I view the page all 3 images display vertically on the page and do not sit in an image slider.
The page can be viewed here:
I am sure it is something simple but after a fe hours of tring to find what is going wrong I am blind. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
APHey Alex,
Sorry to hear you having problems.I’ve looked at your page source.
It seems to be a common problem i’m reading on these forums.
Multiple instances of the main jQuery library.If you right-click ‘veiw source’
You’ll see in the your head<script type='text/javascript' src='https://www.laurajdavies.com/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.js?ver=1.7.1'></script>
This is the main jQuery libary.
It also be called again in your footer<script type="text/javascript" src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.5/jquery.min.js"></script>
Although different versions, they are still the same and shouldn’t be called twice.
The theme itself, plugins or your hardcoding has inserted this.You also have double entries for ‘jcarousel.js’ which you’ll find in both head and footer.
I dont think your problem relates directly to the orbit plugin itself.
I would recommend, straight away…
deactivate your plugins and then view source.Check the main jQuery library is only being called once.
Then take it from there. Activating each plugin and finding where the problems start to arise.If you find the problem isn’t with plugins and the theme itself, they may have not used the correct enqueing of scripts.
Try to take some of those steps and eliminate the problem area.
Let me know how you get on.Hope this helps.
Hello Virtualpudding,
THANK YOU ever so much for the help. I manually cleared both my header and footer of all jquery and app code. I then deleted and re-installed the plugin and it works perfectly.
I was generally stuck as I am all very new to this so your detailed post has really given me a boost.
Very kind of you and greatly appreciated.
Take care,
Hey Alex,
I’m pleased to read you got it all sorted.
Wish you all the luck with future projects. Ask questions, be polite, be patient, you are sure to key picking up the new skills required and one day, i’m sure you’ll be helping out people yourself!
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