In this screenshot, merging is selected for the JS:
As your site has http2 support, you should not have merging enabled as it will be making your site slower. You can check this with this website:
Here’s how to find the JS file that needs to be excluded
- Open Developer Tools. You do that either by right-clicking and choosing Inspect Element, or at the top of the window go to: View >> Developer >>Developer Tools
- Find the red error message indicator on the right-hand side
- Click it to open the Console, then click the file referenced in the error notice:

- This takes you directly to the code in the file that is related to the error. Look for the red underline and copy part of that code:

- Open a new browser tab and load the un-cached version of the page. You will need to use an incognito window
- Open Developer Tools, then click the 3 dots on the right side and select Search All Files:

- Paste the problematic code in the search box and it will locate the file in which that code is found:

- It’s not possible, unfortunately, to copy the filename from this screen. So to do that, click on the Network tab (reload the page if necessary to pull in the files). Then search for the file in the list:

Once you’ve located the file, right-click on the filename, select Copy, then Copy Link Address to the exclusion list under Minify>> Javascript >> Exclude JavaScript from processing
After saving this you can visit your site again, reload the page and check that there are no more JavaScript errors reported in the console.