I don’t doubt that the command line is working perfectly under Unix but for me it’s a pain under Windows.
If you’re like me and want to use the command line from your webserver replace the content of wp-mvc/core/wpmvc.php by:
//Allow command via html form only for localhost.
//If you dev on a distant server you might want to add it here
$allow_html_cmd_for = array('localhost', '');
$command = null;
if (isset($argv))
{ //Run from command line
$command = $argv;
elseif (in_array($_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'], $allow_html_cmd_for))
{ //No command line argument, use html form
if (isset($_POST['cmd']))
{ //Process form command
$command = array(__FILE__);
$command = array_merge($command, explode(' ', $_POST['cmd']));
//Display html form
<h2>WP-MVC Command line</h2>
<form action="" method="POST" name="command">
<input type="text" name="cmd" size="100" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['cmd']) ? $_POST['cmd'] : '' ?>"/>
<button type="submit">Run command</button>
<script type="text/javascript">
//Make the input field behave like a prompt
input = document.forms['command'].elements['cmd'];
input.value = input.value;
if ($command !== null)
{ //Run command
$wordpress_path = getenv('WPMVC_WORDPRESS_PATH');
$wordpress_path = $wordpress_path ? rtrim($wordpress_path, '/').'/' : dirname(__FILE__).'/../../../../';
require_once $wordpress_path.'wp-load.php';
$shell = new MvcShellDispatcher($command);
$lines = ob_get_contents();
if (isset($argv))
echo $lines."\n";
echo nl2br(preg_replace('/\[[0-9,;]*m/U', '', $lines));
You can then access the form from your browser at something like:
Error won’t display pretty because of the die() in the subfunctions but at least it’ll let you generate your plugin without having to dig in your php installation in case the command line isn’t working!