I can understand that in some situations this might be useful. However, for the plugin at large it’s not really a scalable solution for a number of reasons, the primary being that for users that don’t use real permalinks, it’s impossible to automagically find the members page.
But… there is a solution.
I think the best way to approach something like this is to utilize the theme’s functions.php file. (If your theme does not include a functions.php file, you can create one and WP will load it.) I would do it this way rather than customize the existing function since that would not be scalable with any upgrades of the plugin.
Working from the framework of the original wpmem_inc_status function (which is in wp-members-sidebar.php), call it something like my_login_status and customize it as needed. Here is an example of what you could do:
function my_login_status()
global $user_login;
$logout = get_bloginfo('url')."/?a=logout";
$login = get_bloginfo('url')."/members-area/";
if (is_user_logged_in()) {
$wpmem_login_status = "
<p>".__('You are logged in as')." $user_login | ".__('click here to logout')."</p>";
} else {
$wpmem_login_status = "
<p>You are not logged in | click here to login</p>";
return $wpmem_login_status;
Putting this in your theme’s functions.php file, you could then call it from your theme as follows:
<?php echo my_login_status(); ?>
Hope this gives you some ideas.