Thanks. Your post helped tremendously. We were using an updated version of the strstr function available since PHP v5.3. Unfortunately this meant that the plugin crashed for anyone running an older version of PHP (for example v5.2).
We eliminated the dependency on the updated version of the strstr function, and the plugin should function properly now for anyone running an older version of PHP.
Make sure you download the most recent tagged version (v1.1.1), as that version contains the fix.
In answer to your question about trash in your WP database: WP HTML Sitemap only loads 2 options into the WP database. However, the plugin probably did not make it far enough into it’s initialization process to load it’s options into the WP database before crashing. You can verify this by executing this SQL against the wp_options table in your WP database:
WHERE option_name
LIKE ‘%wp-html-sitemap%’
If the options were loaded, you’ll see 2 rows – 1 for ‘wp-html-sitemap-general’ and another called ‘wp-html-sitemap-sections’. If these rows exist, they can safely be deleted. If you reload the plugin, they will be recreated.
Thanks again for your help.