[Plugin: WP-Gravatar] Author Links
This is a modification to the WP-Gravatar plugin to accommodate the links to the author plugin from resulting in a 404 error. I found that links with spaces where not allowing the Author to be shown.
Around lines 1897 in gravatars.php
if ($gravatar_author_archive == true){ $s.= "<br /><a href='/blog/author/"; $s.= $author; $s.= "/'>";
If you replace the 3 $s lines with the following it will then get the proper post url for the author link
if ($gravatar_author_archive == true){ // $s.= "<br /><a href='/blog/author/"; // $s.= $author; // $s.= "/'>"; $s .= "<br /><a href='".get_author_posts_url(get_the_author_meta( 'ID' ))."'>";
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