• Resolved 3×7


    Widget should work like “shopping cart” on e-commerce sites (add to basket style), so when visitor add post to favorites, the list on widget should refresh.

    If that is not possible at least “refresh” button would be enough to refresh the favorites widget.

    Few other options that would be welcome by many of us I believe.

    1. “Remove from favorites” or “X” icon, after each post
    2. “Empty” or “trash” icon, to delete whole favorites list
    3. “Share/email favorites” Social networks icons and mail
    4. “Save favorites list” or “Manage favorites” link to the favorites page

    Also some suggestions on design like thumbnails etc…. but those are essential I believe.



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  • Thread Starter 3×7


    nr.1 is solved, in case somebody is interested:

    add this

    echo "-";

    right after this:
    echo "<a href='".get_permalink($post_id)."' title='". $p->post_title ."'>" . $p->post_title . "</a> ";


    Thread Starter 3×7




    echo "<a class='wpfp-link' href='?wpfpaction=clear' rel='nofollow'>". wpfp_get_option('clear') . "</a>";

    right after
    echo “”;


    Thread Starter 3×7


    nr.3 Should be able to do with “social streamer” plugin.

    nr4. could also be done with sharing plugin ‘send to email’

    Were you ever able to get the sidebar widget to refresh when a user clicks “Add to Favorites” or at least refresh the page upon click so that the widget will refresh?

    Thread Starter 3×7


    yes I did, somehow this woked for me

    add this

    function refresh(){
       doAjaxCall(); // ajax call to get new data and update the widget
       setTimeout(refresh), delay ); // schedule next refresh

    to wpfp.js file

    somwhere before endscript.

    Only problem is that when it refreshes the page th page loads from the begining and not where the user way when clicked on “add to fav”… hopefully somebody will find a way to refresh “ONLY” sidebar.

    Hope it helps.


    That’s a good start… thanks!

    Thread Starter 3×7


    Found a better solution so far:

    1. remove the old code for refreshing from wpfp.js file

    2. find the #id of the widget or sidebar in the css of the theme…

    3. put this in your header between <head> </head>

    <script type="text/javascript">
    			function WidgetRefresh() {
    			$("#YOURDIVID").load(location.href+" #YOURDIVID>*","");
    			setInterval(function() {
    			}, 3000);

    4. rename YOURDIVID to desired DIV ID which has to be refreshed.

    This will refresh the widget in the selected DIV every 3 seconds.


    I know very little about javascript.. but is there a way to setup this script to only run when the user clicks “Add to favorites” or “Remove from favorites”… so the timeline would kinda look like this:

    1) User clicks link to add to favorites.
    2) Script runs and counts down 3 seconds
    3) Widget refreshes
    4) Script stops running.

    If this is possible, it might be better than having it refreshing constantly in the background.

    Thread Starter 3×7


    I totally agree with you, and tried to achieve this in several ways but no luck… hopefully I’ll make it work someday, or if anybody else with more knowledge helps us.


    Hi, this worked fine for me, just putting the code you sent at wpfp.js, but in the end of the function jQuery.get, like this:

    jQuery.get(url, params, function(data) {
                    if(typeof wpfp_after_ajax == 'function') {
                        wpfp_after_ajax( dhis ); // use this like a wp action.
    				$("#top5").load(location.href+" #top5>*","");

    And in my sidebar I’ve used the widget internally, not throught the widgets admin stuff, like this:

    <div class="widget" id="top5">
            <h1><?=__('Top 5'); ?></h1>
            <?php if (function_exists('wpfp_list_most_favorited')) { wpfp_list_most_favorited(); } ?>
    Thread Starter 3×7


    unfortunately it still refreshes whole page for me, not just the sidebar… maybe on some other themes and configuration it would work normally…

    Thread Starter 3×7


    a bit of copy/paste did the trick:

    add this at the top of the wpfp.js

    function WidgetRefresh() {
    			$("#YOUR-DIV-IDorClass").load(location.href+" #YOUR-DIV-IDorClass>*","");

    then right after the last
    loadingImg.hide(); at the bottom of the file but before }



    Thread Starter 3×7


    Next, I would need to refresh the button so it does not stay on “removed from favorites” but to refresh back to “add to favorites” and also from “added to favorites” it should go back to “remove from favorites”

    I tried the same way like sidebar but it adds another div after a refresh (it might be that it works on some themes).

    I believe ithis should be done in the plugin core somewhere ??

    any idea?

    Thread Starter 3×7



    Dynamic sidebar can be refreshed, so I created a widget as a “button” then set to refresh the dynamic sidebar inside the post.



    3×7, can you show your full code for refreshing a widget and a button? Thx!

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