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  • 1. In wp-dbmanager.php
    2. Find check_backup_files(); (around line 208)
    3. Add below it echo $command;
    4. Go to WP-Admin -> Database -> Backup
    5. Click Backup
    6. It should print some debugging line like the one stated in this thread previously.
    7. Copy that line than run it in SSH.
    8. If you need help on SSH contact your host or google for more info.

    Yes, after that I tried the SSH command (echoed out by the database-backup.php) & it worked. I tried it just now as well, the SSH works but this time I didn’t get those additional MySQL lines when I tried database-backup.php

    so Database Backup works but not the cron?

    I’m completely confused about this isuue too.

    Just run WP2.9.1 and WP-DBManager for all the time and it worked.. until 2 days ago.
    I tried to check out why and discovered, that only activated the gzip-option may cause the problem.

    I only can generate sql-files and also get them sheduled as email.
    After activating “GZIP Database Backup File” it does not work anymore, not in manual backup an and not in sheduling email.

    Checking the error-code after line in database-backup.php
    “$error = execute_backup($backup[‘command’]);”
    I got code 127, means command not found.

    Dont know, why it worked all months til 2 days ago….

    Any idea?

    For some reason WP-DBManager and the new Simple Tags are unable to be activated together. Not sure why….WP-DBManager now gives a fatal error.



    Same problem here, backup software works only if started manually. Any ideas?

    The problem exist only with one WP installation, with another WP installation on the same server, backup software works as expected.


    Was there any resolution this?

    I still have this issue on two blogs, one runngin 2.9.1, the other 2.9.2…

    Very odd.

    It was said to have been fixed in 2.9.1 but I don’t think so.

    Anyone else still having issues with ‘missed schedule‘ posts?

    I tried various suggestions including fixes for http.php, cron.php etc. to no avail?


    I found out what the problem is:

    Turn off PHP safemode in php.ini. Change the value safemode=on to off and restart your apache. (This made it work for me)

    It’s because the owner of the Backup-Files will be (in my case) www-data:www-data. And if safemode is on, user www-data has no permission to write into the backup-db directory while it is owned by root or other user.

    Best Regards

    PS: Reply please if its working for you or not.

    I just installed the wp-dbmanager plug-in. I clicked on backup and it took me to a login page. I typed my correct user name and password and the screen refreshes with the password blank. It retried multiple times and it doesn’t work. I tried changing permission on the files and that didn’t solve it. Here is the URL of the page that is displayed for login.

    It should be some problem with your WordPress. It works fine with WP 3.0

    How do I know which version of WordPress I have?

    Sorry, just checked lower right and I do have version 3.0. So I do have an issue!

    I’m having the exact same problem as amit, i just noticed, the last scheduled backup was in may and right now even the manual backup page of the plugin isn’t working. I just updated to 3.0.1 but it was a problem on 3.0 as well. Any suggestions? Thanks!

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