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  • Cron issue I get in WP, but shouldn’t the manual backup work then?

    Yeap, manual should work. I doubt the upgrade to WP broke it. Most likely it is a permission issue or something. You still have not answered me whether the SSH command works, so please try it before asking more questions as when you run it natively in SSH command it will give your some user feedback. The plugin simply executes the command in your host SSH.

    If not another alternative plugin is where it uses PHP to generate backup rather than relying on SSH

    Just ran the same command in SSH, no errors etc there & the backup got made without an issue. Checked in the backup directory & the backup file is there!!

    cool, so we can narrow down to the PHP issue.

    1. Is the folder CHMOD to 777?
    2. Besides the Warning: filesize() and unlink() what error does DBManager tells you? Like “Backup File Size is 0?”

    On line 218 of wp-dbmanager.php,
    passthru($command, $error);

    Replace With:
    system($command, $error);
    or if it still does not work try
    exec($command, $error);

    1. Yes the folder is CHMOD to 777, I just checked it again.

    2. Besides the warnings I listed above, the DB Manager gives following as WordPress error (this is the one I just copied)

    Database Failed To Backup On 'January 4, 2010 @ 6:59 pm'. Backup File Size Is 0KB.

    3. I replaced the passthru() with system() & same warning & error came. I then tried exec() & the result was again same.

    Hmm, weird. Sorry, I ran out of ideas.

    just to let all know.. Since I upgraded to WordPress 2.9.1, the issue has been solved..

    I didnt play with any settings in both case, I mean the 2.9.0 (when it stooped) and just waited for 2.9.1, where i see it has started it self and I can receive those emails again with my DB backup ??

    Thanks again..

    I just upgraded one of my other blogs to v2.9.1 from v2.8.6. The plugin was working fine on this blog (as mentioned earlier, it was not upgraded) but just now after WordPress upgrade, its no longer working & gives following error:

    -- MySQL dump 10.11 -- -- Host: localhost Database: userb_wpdbt -- ------------------------------------------------------ -- Server version 5.0.87-community
    /*!40101 SET NAMES utf8 */; /*!40103 SET @OLD_TIME_ZONE=@@TIME_ZONE */;
    /*!40103 SET TIME_ZONE='+00:00' */;
    /*!40111 SET @OLD_SQL_NOTES=@@SQL_NOTES, SQL_NOTES=0 */;
    Warning: filesize() [function.filesize]: stat failed for /home/userb/public_html/dtbbak/1263186652_-_userb_wpdbt.sql.gz in /home/userb/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-dbmanager/database-backup.php on line 57
    Warning: unlink(/home/userb/public_html/dtbbak/1263186652_-_userb_wpdbt.sql.gz) [function.unlink]: No such file or directory in /home/userb/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-dbmanager/database-backup.php on line 58

    Seems to me something in WordPress is at play here because it was working alright just before upgrade.

    Hmm weird, if you see the error you posted.

    Means the MYSQLUMP command did indeed got executed by PHP, but it has the wrong arguments and hence MYSQLDUMP return the 40*** lines

    Did you try running the command in SSH again for this blog?

    Will load the site with some delay.

    I am also having problems – when I save my options on the options page, the time of next backup is set the time I pressed save – therefore never coming as that time has already passed.

    I run this on several sites across a few different hosts and they all seemed to stop working a while ago (I don’t remember exactly when I’m afraid).

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    (Would your forum be a better place to post than here?)


    When you press backup, the time is saved and the backup will be executed for the first time. If you did not receive the backup, it maybe because of WordPress’s cron issue. I can’t really do anything much because this type of issue is really very server and WP specific.

    You may want to try as an alternative.

    All my servers are linux based, and used to work. All are now up on 2.9.1 which apparently fixed a cron issue(?)

    I appreciate your efforts in making the plugin in the first place and understand its a freebie. I’ll happily keep using it regardless of automated backups. But live in hope that it will start working again ??

    If you’re ever curious to fix, let me know and I might be able to set up a test install of wordpress where it doesn’t work.



    Yea, 2.9.1 should fix the cron issue. It is the case for some users and for me.

    Could you try the debugging method which I mentioned earlier in this thread to see if the command does work in SSH.

    Sorry, I’m new to ssh – could you be more explicit in your instructions – Do I need to enter check_backup_files(); echo $backup['command']; ?

    Thanks in advance if you can offer guidance.

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