• Hi.
    We’re trying to use wp-customer-reviews and it’s just the ticket.

    However, we needed to add 2 custom fields to the output (using the Advanced Custom Fields plugin).

    The reviews now show up twice, above each custom field.
    It’s pretty basic, just a call to the custom fields after “the_content”

    <?php the_content(); ?>
    	<?php the_field('ingredients'); ?>
    	<?php the_field('size'); ?>
         <?php endwhile; else: ?>

    Not sure how to fix it, although I’ve looked through the plugins code and the only thing I could find related is at line 870:

    /* return normal content if this is not an enabled page, or if this is a post not on single post view */
    if (!$is_active_page) {
    $the_content .= ‘<div id=”wpcr_respond_1″>’;
    $the_content .= $this->aggregate_footer(); /* check if we need to show something in the footer then */
    $the_content .= ‘</div>’;
    return $original_content . $the_content;

    any ideas how to get it to show up just once?

    Here’s a screen shot


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  • Great Plugin!!
    @ billyghawaii – Chur bro, your thoughts enabled the correct solution.

    If you use the shortcodes on a Page, ensure to check your “WP Customer Review” Options Tab settings under the CONTENT window. Make sure that the option: “Enable WP Customer Reviews for this page” is UNCHECKED. Duplicate information should no longer be produced….Enjoy

    Plugin Author Aaron Queen


    This is the developer. The last answer seems correct. You shouldn’t be using shortcodes AND the “Enable WP Customer Reviews for this page” page option together — it will duplicate and that is the expected behavior for right now. I will look into the next version and see how difficult it would be to pretend the checkbox is unchecked if a shortcode is detected on the page — but that could also cause problems.

    Hi, I have the shortcode [WPCR_INSERT] on a widget area and it duplicates the review on the actual post/page. An example can be found here: https://ritzycharters.com/www2/yachts/crystal-clear/

    I have unchecked Enable WP Customer Reviews for this page on that specific post/page and nothing.

    The plugin is great but this is stopping me from using it.
    Any suggestions?

    I have the same problem with duplicated plugin content when using a short code on a CPT.

    WPCustomerReviews::do_the_content() is called twice when added to a CPT. Since it is being used on a CPT, there is no option to disable WP customer reviews for the page.

    A WPCustomerReviews object is initialized even for pages that do not use it. On line 60, ‘do_the_content’ is added to the ‘the_content’ action and blissfully lets do_the_content()/is_active_page() sort out if it should modify the output. That’s the source of the first call.

    If the page has the short code, then shortcode_wpcr_insert() is called, which sets $force_active_page to 1 and calls do_the_content. That’s the source of the second call.

    By the time do_the_content is called for the action hook, shortcode_wpcr_insert() has already set $force_active_page to 1. So the check that is supposed to safeguard it from not being on pages where it isn’t enabled fails.

    A quick hack that worked for me (since I only use the short codes) was to comment out the add_action line in the constructor. It should probably do some check there and only add the action if the plugin is enabled for the page.

    I only used the shortcode and unchecked the Enable WP Customer Reviews for this page. I dont see 2 revieuw forms. I only see one form but 3 checkboxes???

    How can i solve this issue?



    I also have the same duplication problem.
    I have used this plugin on other sites in the past with no problem so perhaps I should downgrade the plugin and see if that helps.

    Currently if I have [WPCR_INSERT] plus [WPCR_SHOW POSTID=”ALL” NUM=”” SNIPPET=”” MORE=”” HIDECUSTOM=”0″ HIDERESPONSE=”0″] on the same page, the doublication appears.

    If I remove [WPCR_INSERT] shortcode from the page/post, then duplication disappears. So it seems that adding both shortcodes to the post or page, is causing this duplication for me.



    ok downgrading does not resolve the issue. perhaps its a plugin conflict then



    Nope, not a plugin conflict either.

    I now deleted all the short code and tried using only the “enable reviews” option on the posts and pages and this works, no duplication.

    So it seems that the shortcode itself is causing the problem for me. However I do need to use the short code as I want to include the review in a tabbed interface on each product page.

    So I urgently need a resolution to this duplication error when using shortcode

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