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  • taropaa


    It works, but each site has a separate instance of the plugin with its own settings.

    Also doesn’t insert any data into the other blogs unfortunately. Will try hack something out until the developer decides if he wants to support WPMS networks.

    Hi all,
    I think it would be a great feature to have superadmins be the only ones to execute a couple of things, like:
    1. Able to insert certain “content” to all e-mails sent in a multisite. Content that regular admins would not be able to change.
    2. Allow only certain site admins to enter “content”. This could probably be achieved if, when the plugin is network activated, have a checkbox or a dropdown list (probably) with the active sites.


    Any news, thoughts or changes for the multisite behavior?

    Plugin Author Nicolas Lemoine


    I’ll add some better multisite support in the next release.

    Great plugin.
    I was wondering when you might add better multisite support.
    Multisite is becoming quite popular since 3.0 or 3.1.

    Those of us who use multisite and like your plugin would love to see something as nice as this plugin get upgraded to include more compatibility with multisite.

    Don’t get me wrong, I thing your plugin is great, but would be greater if you could boast of more compatibility with the whole WP experience, not just the base site in multisite and single site.

    Your work is appreciated, that’s for sure.

    @nlemoine That is great news. ??
    Two points:
    1. Could there special options for network admins ONLY (as mentioned above)? Also please remember Ovidiu’s concerns on multisites.
    2. Since we are on updating times could you also have it work with SMTP?

    Thank you in advance. Excellent work. ??

    Hello all,

    We use this plugin on multiple multisite networks with it activated individually on each subsite and that works for our applications.

    However, with respect to “Multisite support” a couple of concepts seems to be muddled in many plugins claiming multisite support.

    I observe two common scenarios involving mutlisite networks and depending on the application each one expects different features from a plugin with “multisite support.”

    In scenario 1 the network super admin needs to control most all aspects of all subsites and the users across subsites on the multisite network may all be “connected” such as happens with a multisite installation providing sites to all the students in a school system.

    In this scenario having all user log into the same page and sending them emails that originate from the same address may not be problematic and “multisite support” would support features focused toward this application scenario.


    In Scenario 2 a multisite newtork owner may be providing or reselling individual sites for totally unrelated businesses or individuals who have nothing in common.

    In scenario 2, the network superadmin controls the core functionality of the network and which plugins, themes and platform level messages that users can access, but a plugin with “multisite support” in this scenario would be designed to isolate subsite functionality so that each site can appear totally independent as if it were not even part of a multisite network in terms of identity and communnications received etc. After a person has purchased a subsite and customized the domain that their site lives at, then for many practical purposes, the network the site it is on needs to be invisible to all users. Plugins providing “multisite support” in Scenario 2 require a different programming approach than those in Scenario 1.

    For example, a Communities plugin designed for a multisite network as described in Scenario 2 may produce undesirable results for a subsite owner seeking to use it in Scenario 2 because it would pull in users from all across the multisite network which may supposed to be invisible to users on their custom domained subsite.


    That is exactly the “concept mindset” and feature that seems to be missing on several multisite network plugins.

    If running a blog network for paying customers, as the network owner, I may want to provide some subsite owners with feature access independent of any other sites on the network.

    In a number of cases it is preferable that users of subsites on the multisite network (subscribers to those subsites) never even need to know they are on a site that is part of a multisite network once the site owner has mapped a custom domain for their site.

    Subsite admins should be able to allow their users to access their site, log in, use the features of their subsite and users never even be aware they are part of a multisite network if thats how the subsite admin wants to run their site.

    The Communities plugin misses this concept by not providing features as you describe. It would be perfect if the site admin could select whether the communities their users have access to and which they can create are “groups localized to the subsite” or “network wide global communities.” With that setting distinction, then a site owner who does not want their users aware of other sites on the network and/or other users on the network could still provide communities (perhaps called “local groups”) for their site’s users and thus keep them isolated from network users and network sites.


    I posted this because as we request multisite support, it may be helpful for us to clarify to developers the scenario we plan to operate under.

    A: Will all our subsites be controlled mainly by the network superadmin or be otherwise related to each other in some fashion?

    B: Or will our network subsites be independent and isolated from others on the network?

    Programatically it seems like developing toward scenario 2 with a user selectable option to fallback to scenario 1 would be SUPER!…. And it would support peace on earth and goodwill toward all. ??

    Hey its gift giving season, one can dream! ??

    Happy Holidays to all!

    Phil D

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