Forgot to say that I am still a bit skeptical towards .live in 1.8 vs. WP plugins. Some weird issues, like with which make use of .live. Plugin not avail. on .org site but if that is activated your fully jQuery 1.8 compatible plugin does not work on 1.8!
No JS errors, there is just no message displayed. BlockUI issue then? There is a bit of smooth scrolling going on so not dead. Or is this because ThemeZilla code make use of .live -> .on fix like you fiddled?
Using 1.7.2 and no problems. Both work. Can make one go hmmm ?? I am thinking general issue, dont particulary care for that plugin.
I tried BlockUI 2.43 which is 0.01 newer than the one currently used by your plugin. No difference.
On another test site using scripts with .live stuff and jQuery 1.8 your plugin also does not work. My first reply was almost stating your fix did not work but it does, just not under some conditions – like with scripts using .live – or something. Or is it even your fix that is a problem? Not good to report “errors” without even seeing anything in JS error console, make no sense really – but I remain skeptical to it all… I kind of hope you say OH I see! and here is a new fix because if general jQuery .live vs new 1.8 issue that is bad.