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  • Hi,
    Can you send me more details on your server setup so that I can try to reproduce this issue that you are having.
    Are you uploading the plug-in to the normal plug-ins directory or the mu-plugins directory?

    I placed it in plugins/safecss.
    The env is MU 2.8.6 with subfolders. I do not even see a custom-css.php in the download.

    The plug-in file is named safecss.php.
    Try uploading the safecss directory to the wp-content/mu-plugins/ directory on your server.

    i tried this plugin too. and it doesnt work for me.
    it outputs:

    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" />

    edited the domain

    @leisegang Are you running the plugin from mu-plugins? Any errors in the logs? What happens when you visit ?

    i use wpmu with buddypress
    i have it in wp-content/plugins/ it is activated sitewide.

    i get a CSS file when i open the URL…

    #header {
    background:url('') 0 0 no-repeat;

    the custom-css.php?blog=16&cache=4&rev=1 is written like this when i choose display sourcecode:

    ?blog=16& amp; cache=4& amp; rev=1″ (without the spaces)

    i know bumping is not allowed.


    does it work or not with wpmu?
    has anyone tried it from the mu-plugins folder so far?



    This isn’t working for our WPMU install either.

    I needed to do two things to make it work:

    On line 131 change is_int() to is_numeric():

    if ( is_numeric( $blog_id ) ) {
                            switch_to_blog( $blog_id );
                            $current_plugins = apply_filters( 'active_plugins', get_option( 'active_plugins' ) );

    Then in my .htaccess add the following:

    RewriteRule ^custom-css.php /index.php [L,QSA]

    Now works a treat.


    I guess you installed it into the normal plugins folder and then activated it site-wide?

    @ovidiu: Yes.

    Plugin says as follows:

    1.Upload the safecss folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
    2.Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress

    I’d assume there’re less people installing this under mu-plugins.


    so what? it doesn’t even say if its compatible with wpmu, doesn’t have wpmu as a tag, so I think the question regarding usage from within /plugins or /mu-plugins folder is allowed here.

    The folder is irrelevant except if the /plugins folder is hard-coded into the plugin anyway.


    whats the Rewrite rule doing exactly? care to elaborate? this setup still valid for the latest version of the plugin?

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