• mbpage



    I have noticed that when writing meta descriptions for a post the date is shown my default. It would be very handy if this could be removed as I think this is detrimental to seo and encouraging visitors to click. Possible feature enhancement?


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  • HeyHeyMonkey


    Have you considered using a dedicated plugin for SEO?

    All In One SEO Pack is very good.




    I agree about the date – and I could use a bit more clarity about getting the description to echo in the snippet. The title does, for me, but the description doesn’t…. and I think Hey Hey is a cheeky monkey



    A +1 for Mike’s suggestion. If it’s possible, it would be a very handy feature.

    But for what it’s worth, it seems that the date in the WordPress SEO preview doesn’t necessarily indicate that Google will actually add the date in search results. I had gotten around the date showing in search results by removing it from the theme itself and have confirmed that the Google indexing is no longer adding the date to the search results (confirmed over time and with new posts). Of course, that also means that my posts themselves don’t display a date, but in my case, that’s what I want. The preview in WordPress SEO still shows the date.

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